Bright, Jimmie, Bill and Ido Wolf
Bright Gordon at Rosefarm with Jimmie-Rosefarm, Bill-the-Mains, and Ido Wolf of Wolf and Wolf of Holland.
Albums: People
Groups: Farming
Hello; In July, 2006, Brenda & I had the opportunity to visit RoseFarm. We enjoyed a wonderful visit in the garden with Bright and her daughter Lou. What gracious hosts they were to unknown strangers from Canada, At the time I was searching for information on my ansestors (Munro)which I beleive worked at RoseFarm circa 1870. IF someone could put me back in touch with them I would be truly gratefull.
Comment left on 06 October 2008 at 16:40 by Bob Holmes
Can anyone give me info on Esther Alice Dixson nee Middleton?
We are trying to research my husband's maternal line - Kenneth Aitken (Mollie aitken's son and Ester's grandson). So far I've found his paternal line back to Wye, Kent 1800's!
Mollie mentioned years ago that there is also a Murray connection to a Provost of Tain, Kenneth Murray, born 1825. Reading an earlier email ref Rose Farm hospitality we can endorse Bright's kindness to both the Aitken and Bostock families - Thank you once again. Carol Comment left on 21 September 2010 at 16:53 by Carol Aitken
We are trying to research my husband's maternal line - Kenneth Aitken (Mollie aitken's son and Ester's grandson). So far I've found his paternal line back to Wye, Kent 1800's!
Mollie mentioned years ago that there is also a Murray connection to a Provost of Tain, Kenneth Murray, born 1825. Reading an earlier email ref Rose Farm hospitality we can endorse Bright's kindness to both the Aitken and Bostock families - Thank you once again. Carol Comment left on 21 September 2010 at 16:53 by Carol Aitken
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