Jack and Jim Young, Rosefarm
Jack was Grieve at Rosefarm.
Albums: People
I must have moved to Rosefarm in the sixties. Have fond memories of Mrs Midddleton swimming every day (in the firth, even christmas day). Can remember playing in drainage pipe in front of the steading. But I only have memories of the houses next door for storing tatties. Jack and Jim (I think) had maybe moved to the village, to their sister's house across from the Jock McBean's Dairy
Comment left on 28 October 2006 at 00:38 by Angela Taylor
The houses that stored the tatties were known as the Youngs cottages. I know this as I belong to this family. Jim and Jack were 1st cousins to my dad George Young. My eldest son William has been working there lately having just got his HND in agriculture at Craibstone in Aberdeen. I myself have also worked for Mrs Gordon at Rosefarm.
Comment left on 28 October 2006 at 22:29 by Flora Thomson
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