Old picture of Victoria Park
This is an amazing picture showing the area which is now Victoria Park. Denoon Villa can be clearly seen at the end of the pathway running through the picture. Note the elaborate greenhouse structure in the foreground, and the long low building in front of it standing where the road and pavement now are. Victoria Hall was eventually erected to the right-hand side of the picture. No exact date is known for this picture.
Albums: Landscapes and Views
Im so glad that it was turned into a park! You wouldn't see me kicking a ball in there!!
Comment left on 18 July 2003 by Kahlia
You will be able to get to a close date by looking at the part Cromarty O.S. Map of 1871, [picture #544] with buildings etc., tinted pink. Incidentally O.S. maps coloured in this way at this time were for the specific use of the District Valuer's Office
Comment left on 12 January 2006 at 22:26 by Clem Watson
The Victoria Hall was built in 1887, so this picture must predate that!
Comment left on 24 May 2015 at 17:04 by Vivienne Plampton
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