Hughie Fraser - c1950
Paul says "This is a picture of Hughie Fraser. I beleive he was my Grandads best friend in Cromarty. They travelled to London together when my Grandad finally left Cromarty. Hughie was Grandads best man at his wedding."
In the background is the junction of Bank St and High St, with Macdonald's shop on the corner.
Albums: People
I think this picture was taken before my Mum and Dad ( Eva and Johnny Macdonald ) bought the 17 High Street house and shop ...as it looks like there's no sign of life as a corner shop in this shot ??? But I could be wrong ?
Comment left on 11 January 2006 at 14:01 by John Macdonald
When did your folks buy the shop John?
Comment left on 11 January 2006 at 16:36 by Garve Scott-Lodge
I think it may have been around the mid fifties Garve - but maybe someone can correct me on that?
Comment left on 11 January 2006 at 21:53 by John Macdonald
If I'm not mistaken ...17 High Street where we lived, was also known as "Ellison House" ?
Comment left on 13 January 2006 at 23:31 by John Macdonald
John - do you remember Mrs. Cross? I think she lived at the back of your house, or somewhere around there. She was quite elderly in the 1950s
Comment left on 14 January 2006 at 19:58 by Margaret Tong
Yes I think I do Margaret ..in fact didn't she live in this particular house before we moved in ?
Comment left on 14 January 2006 at 22:59 by John Macdonald
Mrs Cros probably did live in the house, John. I remember my Mam knew her and visited her. I was really wee - probably under 5 at the time. I do remember being in a back room which had a view into the garden. Maybe that's why I was thinking of when I said she lived at the back of your house! I vaguely remember there were ivy covered walls and a maybe a patio?
Even if my memory is incorrect, I like those old fashioned gardens so much, I had a stone patio laid in my garden here, and have honeysuckle and jasmine growing along the fences. Comment left on 15 January 2006 at 18:15 by Margaret Tong
Even if my memory is incorrect, I like those old fashioned gardens so much, I had a stone patio laid in my garden here, and have honeysuckle and jasmine growing along the fences. Comment left on 15 January 2006 at 18:15 by Margaret Tong
Does anyone remember Hughie?
Comment left on 15 January 2006 at 18:59 by Paul Thomas
John, Donald Grant had the shop before your parents bought it, he had an electricians and taxi business.
Johnny Clelland worked for Donald and Donny Munro used to drive the taxis. Donald moved his business next to the dairy, where Jane Duncan eventually had her cafe. Comment left on 15 January 2006 at 21:22 by Ian Jack
Johnny Clelland worked for Donald and Donny Munro used to drive the taxis. Donald moved his business next to the dairy, where Jane Duncan eventually had her cafe. Comment left on 15 January 2006 at 21:22 by Ian Jack
Hi Ian .....I remember Donald Grant's shop very well ..plus Johnny Cleland's Taxi Business ....and am sure it was never run from 17 High Street ....but the opposite side of the street, between the Bank and the Dairy ...( The same side that Hughie Fraser is pictured on his bike - but a wee bit further up ) I'm sure Margaret or John Cleland will confirm this one for me ( I hope ! ) Otherwise a Senior moment could be creeping up on me !!!
Comment left on 16 January 2006 at 21:48 by John Macdonald
Sorry John, but i remember buying something in Donald's shop when it was in no. 17 - of course it might have been only electrical goods and not the taxi business then. But it was definitely there before he moved across the road.
I have just confirmed it with Evelyn Nicholson, who checked with Donalds daughter Eunice. Looks like that senior moment has just crept up on you John, but you are allowed one now and then. Comment left on 17 January 2006 at 09:55 by Ian Jack
I have just confirmed it with Evelyn Nicholson, who checked with Donalds daughter Eunice. Looks like that senior moment has just crept up on you John, but you are allowed one now and then. Comment left on 17 January 2006 at 09:55 by Ian Jack
Well ...must admit Ian ..I can't remember that ...but I believe you !!...I must be younger that I thought ?.....I knew it was some sort of shop before we moved in ..but just couldn't think what it sold ? Thanks for setting the record straight.
Comment left on 17 January 2006 at 14:02 by John Macdonald
hi john, as far as i can judge, this must be around mid 1949 or so.but am not positive. but i went to sea in october 1949 so it was before that sometime.
Comment left on 18 January 2006 at 10:20 by Ian Jack
Comment left on 18 January 2006 at 10:20 by Ian Jack
I knew Hugh during the period mentioned, we used to cycle to dances in Rosemarkie and Fortrose, we also went on holiday to Aberdeen and Dundee
about this time. Soon after Hugh left Scotland for work in Birmingham. Does anyone have anything further? Comment left on 05 August 2007 at 20:14 by William Beattie
about this time. Soon after Hugh left Scotland for work in Birmingham. Does anyone have anything further? Comment left on 05 August 2007 at 20:14 by William Beattie
William, I think Hughie left with my Grandad as they did work together in Birmingham. My Grandad married my Nan who was from Birmingham and Hughie was my Grandads best man. Im not sure what happened to Hughie after that
Comment left on 18 December 2007 at 21:40 by Paul Thomas
This is my father Hughie Donald Fraser. He spent his working life in Solihull, Birmingham and married a local girl Pat Rees in 1953. We came to Cromarty for regular holidays and I have now moved here with my wife Dorrie. My cousin is Sandy McLean who lives in Braehead.
Comment left on 21 April 2009 at 12:42 by Craig Fraser
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