Bain Family
Paul says "This is a photo of John Bain, Provost of Cromarty in 1932 and 1935. The details of John Bain I have are: was born on 27 Jun 1860. In 1881 he was a Draper's Assistant in Caernarvon, Wales. He lived in 19 Roft Villa, Bangor, Caernarvon, Wales in 1881. In 1891 he was a Draper in Cromarty. He lived 1 Forsyth Place in Cromarty in 1891. He appears in Court Records in 1915 in Cromarty. He was Provost of Cromarty between 1932 and 1935 in Cormarty. He left �2,451 1 4 (L S D) in his estate in 1938 in Cromarty. He was buried in Dec 1938 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty. He died on 25 Dec 1938 in Cromarty.
The other people on the photo are:
1, Gladys, was born on 6 Jul 1891. She was buried in Jun 1953 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty
2, Lilian, was born on 6 Feb 1888 in Towyn, Merioneth, Montgomery. She died in Mar 1964. She was buried in Mar 1964 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty
3, Archie, was born on 15 Jan 1894. He was buried in Oct 1915 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty. He died on 20 Oct 1915 in Military Hospital, Cromarty
4, John
5, Florrie, was born on 22 Nov 1900. She died on 29 Jan 1985 in Raigmore Hospital, Inverness. In 1985 she was Senior Bank Teller (retired) in Inverness
6, Tabitha (nee Gayer), was born on 15 Jan 1866 in St Leath, Cornwall. In 1881 she was a pupil teacher in Caernarvon, Wales. She lived in Ynyscynhaiarn, Caernarvon, Wales in 1881. She died on 7 Mar 1955 in Cromarty. She was buried in Mar 1955 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty
7, Leonard, was born on 13 Jun 1898. He died on 11 Jul 1962. He was buried in Jul 1962 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty. He was Manager of a Tea Plantation in India. He lived India in India
8, James Herbert, was born on 29 Dec 1889 in Cormarty. He died on 9 Feb 1980. He was buried in Feb 1980 in Gaelic Churchyard, Cromarty. He was cremated in Feb 1980 in Old Kilpatrick. He was a Manufacturer's Agent. He was wounded during the war in France
9, Hilda, was born on 19 Mar 1896. She died on 26 Sep 1966 in 9 Aberstaff Rd, Inverness. She was School"
picture #589 is an unnumbered version.
Albums: People
The photos seem to have been taken by Valentine's of Dundee. They seem to be the main source for photos for Cromarty Postcards from that time. Comment left on 20 September 2010 at 21:50 by Calum Davidson
Well ancestry tells me I’m part of this family. Who knew ! My Great Grandfather was Thomas Middleton Bain married to Margaret Campbell. My Grandfather. Archibald Theodore Bain born in Nova Scotia . My 2 times Great is Donald Bain married to Christian Urquhart . I’m just starting this new family Tree so any help , photo are appreciated Comment left on 24 September 2020 by Sharon Kinsman
Oh I would so love that . My email. Sdkinsman@ sympatico.ca. Thank you ever so much Comment left on 20 October 2020 by Sharon Kinsman
My Brother is Donald Bain, named after his great great Grandfather Donald Bain. Comment left on 20 October 2020 by (William) Douglas Bain
I am interested in knowing more about the Donald Bain family at Rosefarm. I'm wondering if any of you are interested in comparing what information we have? Thomas Middleton Bain, my great grandfather, was the eldest child of Donald Bain/Christian Urquhart and I'm keen to discover clues as to why he was the only one who left the Cromarty area. I have met a few other Canadian descendants of Thomas M Bain, including Sharon Kinsman. I have Cdn. records pertaining to Thomas M Bain and descendants, if you are interested in them.
Comment left on 19 August 2024 at 17:53 by Anna Paton