Voting in the Victoria Hall - 3/5/07
I took my camera when I went to vote last week, and took this snap without asking permission. Mr Cope on the left gently told me off, but was mollified when I explained that I was recording for posterity!
Albums: Events
Evidence of how confusing those ballot papers were - some voters didn't even know what month it was!
Comment left on 16 May 2007 at 09:42 by Estelle Quick
Garve - apparently taking photos within a polling station is OK, but taking a photo of a ballot paper ensures that you are hung, drawn and quartered....
Err I snapped my Ballot paper as well. So that's me doomed, and I'll see you all on Gallows Hill next weekend. However looking at my skills with dates, with a bit of luck I'll miss my own execution.
(I've changed the date - embarrassed of Church Street) Comment left on 16 May 2007 at 20:34 by Calum Davidson
Err I snapped my Ballot paper as well. So that's me doomed, and I'll see you all on Gallows Hill next weekend. However looking at my skills with dates, with a bit of luck I'll miss my own execution.
(I've changed the date - embarrassed of Church Street) Comment left on 16 May 2007 at 20:34 by Calum Davidson
I've only just discovered this 'page' and it's now March 2021!
Sadly, I will not be presiding this year due to recommended Covid-19 precautions wrt my age and underlying health condition. I will miss being a part of our democratic system of which we can surely be very proud. I will miss seeing the people of Cromarty 'et environs' and would like to say a special thank you to all who have assisted and supported the Polling Station team over the many years that it has been my privilege to serve you. Stay safe everyone. Comment left on 09 March 2021 by Roger G Cope
Sadly, I will not be presiding this year due to recommended Covid-19 precautions wrt my age and underlying health condition. I will miss being a part of our democratic system of which we can surely be very proud. I will miss seeing the people of Cromarty 'et environs' and would like to say a special thank you to all who have assisted and supported the Polling Station team over the many years that it has been my privilege to serve you. Stay safe everyone. Comment left on 09 March 2021 by Roger G Cope
It won't be the same without you Roger. Thank you for your many efficient elections in Cromarty. Come and see us when you can!
Comment left on 26 March 2021 by Estelle Quick
Thanks Estelle. I very mush appreciate your comment. Yes I will.
Also, I'd like to acknowledge here the extra work and effort that I know Alan Plampton is having to put into ensuring that the Polling Station is Covid safe for the forthcoming Scottish Parliament Election. We have conferred during the last few weeks on his challenges for this years election. I wish him good luck though, with his dedication to the task in hand, I don't think he'll need it! Comment left on 11 April 2021 by Roger G Cope
Also, I'd like to acknowledge here the extra work and effort that I know Alan Plampton is having to put into ensuring that the Polling Station is Covid safe for the forthcoming Scottish Parliament Election. We have conferred during the last few weeks on his challenges for this years election. I wish him good luck though, with his dedication to the task in hand, I don't think he'll need it! Comment left on 11 April 2021 by Roger G Cope
Form Goes Here
And Calum, I believe that taking a photograph within the bounds of a polling staion is still one of the few crimes you can still be hanged for! Comment left on 15 May 2007 at 22:19 by Garve