Cromarty Archive

OK Pig! You're under arrest!..... I mean it now!

OK Pig! You're under arrest!..... I mean it now!

Date Added: 24 June 2008 Contributor: Gordon Hogg Year: 2005 Picture No: 2201

Albums: People, Wildlife


That pig was charged with breaking and entering at Wellington House. It came in through Ruth's side gate, burrowed under some wire netting, tried to eat my baby ducks, came into my kitchen looking for food and made me famous! I think I was interviewed by the Daily Star, The Mail and The Sun!. It ran something like..."Irate housewife Ann Hill......". I managed to lure it into Biscuit's stable with some bread but it went ballistic and tried to demolish its prison so I let it out and managed to get it into Church Street. The poor beast was eventually hit by a police car and killed and I ended up as a witness in court in Dingwall because, I think, the owner and the police were counter-suing each other for damage to car/pig. How quiet life is these days!!! Comment left on 01 July 2008 at 07:00 by Ann Hill
Just looked at the date on Gordon's photo. This must be the grandson of the pig I encountered. My pig-tale was from a decade before this! Comment left on 01 July 2008 at 07:04 by Ann Hill
Thats "Babe". She died in March 2008 after a few little strokes and a massive heart attack - she was buried according to the way all 'Croms are buried' I was there along with her owner at her burial - she had a wonderful send off. Comment left on 02 July 2008 at 21:12 by Anonymous
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