Cromarty Archive

Line Baiting

Line Baiting

Date Added: 01 January 2003 Contributor: Andrew Bathie Year: 1930 Picture No: 261

Pictured on the right is "Peenda" Finlayson. Picture taken in about 1930 at the bottom of Shore Street.

Albums: People


This is a picture of my grandfather, Andrew Finlayson of 7 Shore St. His nickname was "Pinder" because at a very young age the Pinder-Orde Circus came to Cromarty and he announced that he was going to run away and join the circus. My mother was Isabelle McLeman Finlayson. Comment left on 24 June 2005 at 17:47 by Louise Bradley
I am a grand-son to Margaret Finlayson Bremar. Was in Cromarty two years ago and loved it. Hi to cousin Anne Short. Comment left on 24 June 2005 at 22:20 by Andy Bremar
My name is Ian Roberts and I also find this picture interesting. I have commented on a picture of Andrew's wife, Isabella "Bella Dhu" Finlayson (MacLeman). Andrew "Pinder" Finlayson is my great-great-grandfather. Isabella Colledge (his daughter) is my great-grandmother. Louise Bradley, who has also commented on this picture is my great-aunt and Isabella Colledge's daughter. Louise's sister is my grandmother, Anne Virgin. It is always interesting to continue to read the comments on pictures on this site. Comment left on 25 June 2005 at 19:35 by Ian Roberts
Common ancestor -great-grandparents of Pinder and Bella Dhu
-Martha Hogg and Donald Hossack

janet hossack - donald hossack - brother-sister
+ john skinner + christina alla

anne skinner and martha hossack are cousins
+ hugh macleman + donald watson

john macleman and anne r. watson are second cousins
+ isabella watson + hugh finlayson

Isabella "Bella Dhu" MacLeman and Andrew "Pinder" Finlayson are third cousins

All of this also means that I am my own seventh cousin.

Comment left on 09 August 2005 at 21:00 by Ian Roberts
They are my Great-grand-parents, their son, Donald Alexander Finlayson married Muriel Coulter Armstrong, and had Donald and Ian Finlayson. I had wondered why he was called 'Pinder'. Comment left on 26 October 2005 at 22:49 by Catherine Finlayson
My ancestry is also from Donald Hossack and Martha Hogg Comment left on 27 January 2006 at 13:12 by Alexandra Norton (ms Watson)
Hi I'm cate finlayson, just found out I am related to bella dhu & pinda finlayson. My dad is Donald finlayson, and my grandad also Donald finlayson born in Cromarty moved to nottingham, had brothers alicky (alexander) Hugh who emigrated and sisters Jessie jeanie and kit (catherine) there parents were John finlayson and Catherine mcleman, would love to find out more! Comment left on 22 December 2011 at 19:16 by Cate finlayson
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