Doocot cave
Cromarty pupils taken by David Webster
It's the dropping or drooping cave - the doo-cot cave is further round the hill.
Comment left on 07 April 2011 at 10:03 by Sue Florence
Sue, is the drooping cave the one with the stalagtites and stalagmites? Been there but not to the doo-cot. Can`t believe I went in there!
Comment left on 08 April 2011 at 21:40 by Dorothy Ewen (Robertson)
Hi dorothy- aye that's the one-I can' t remember which teacher who taught us geography and about the formation of caves- that stalagtites came down and stalagmites went up. Lots of laughter in class after that nugget of info.
Comment left on 10 April 2011 at 12:32 by Anonymous
Ha ha, anon. I must have been far too innocent cos I found my own way to remember!
Comment left on 11 April 2011 at 13:37 by Dorothy Ewen (Robertson)
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