Cromarty Archive

Rig off Cromarty dwarfing the Ferry - 1998

Rig off Cromarty dwarfing the Ferry - 1998

Date Added: 01 January 2003 Contributor: Andrew Dowsett Year: 1998 Picture No: 37

Up to 16 rigs have been stored in the firth at any one time. The ferry is used to supply some of them during the winter months.

Albums: Oil Industry, The Sea


The rig is the Henry Goodrich - one of the largest drilling rigs in the world. Comment left on 16 April 2005 at 14:06 by Garve Scott-Lodge
I worked on this rig, Its the Sonat George Richardson. I was a Roustabout on it, spent new years day on it freezing cold it was. Comment left on 28 February 2006 at 11:58 by Jamie Harding
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