Cromarty Archive

Cromarty from the Sutor - c1910

Cromarty from the Sutor - c1910

Date Added: 19 August 2003 Contributor: Sandy Russell Year: 1910 Picture No: 459 view zoomified version

Very detailed picture showing all of Cromarty from roughly the chicken farm. Notice in particular the wall along the shore of the Reeds field.

A much larger version is available by clicking the link below the picture. On it you can easily make out items like the pavilion at the tennis courts and a bus in Nicol Terrace. A wall can be seen on the links below the end of Barclay St - only overgrown remains exist today. Tommy Sailor's house is clearly visible at the bottom of the Big Vennel, with a two storey across the road.

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Albums: Landscapes and Views

Groups: Zoomified Pictures


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