Macdonald's Shop - 1962
A young John Macdonald with his mother Eva.
"...taken in 1962 at my parents shop at 17 High Street which was known as 'Eva and Johnny's' which through the years was a Fish and Chip Shop, General Store, and Sweet Shop, and also Tea Rooms where the Bus Drivers and Conductress used to have a break and light refreshments before setting off back through the Black isle to Inverness. Note the Macdonald's Cromarty Rock sign!"
External views of the shop can be seen on picture #475 and picture #201.
Albums: Shops
I mind it fine - I was only a bairn at the time!! Did the fryer not catch fire after a football match and the folkies weren't best pleased?
Comment left on 02 September 2003 by Sue Florence
I can remember something like that with the fryer! But there was also a fire later which gutted the shop and I remember the firemen coming from Rosemarkie or Fortrose and my mum & dad giving them all ice creams to eat in the street as the big freezer we had although completely blackened, still had some perfectly good ice cream left which would have melted if not eaten - it was a funny thing to see after a fire!
Comment left on 02 September 2003 by John Macdonald
Thanks for the memory, John. The Cromarty Rock might have been introduced after my departure to Evanton. But I remember how we used to break our penny caramels in two on the shop's window ledge outside. I also remember the time that Mrs. Slader ("Auntie Cyclone, " as Albert Watson jokingly referred to her) sent me to the shop to ask for a "cartoon." Johnny looked down at me over the chip fryer with a puzzled expression on his face for a while and I looked up at him with a look of communicational imbecility. Eventually, it dawned on Johnny that what she wanted was a cardboard box. Perhaps I might digress a little to add that the most bizarre errand I was sent on was to go to Newton with a barrow for seed tatties.
Comment left on 20 February 2005 at 18:08 by Christopher Hart
Yes Christopher ..I remember Mrs Slader very well ...and outside Mum and Dad's shop, which was a great meeting place too ( as you said ) breaking the caramels on the ledge ..and enjoying an ice cream "slider" on a warm day !!
Comment left on 27 June 2005 at 05:24 by [email protected]
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