Cromarty Playgroup Christmas Party 1987
Mums left to right - Back row - Eva Mackenzie, Fiona Watson, Ann Hill, Esther ? , Nikki Cain, ?, Jenny Moir.
Front, Sandie ? Chrissie Hogg in front of Ruth Davidson.
From the North Star
Albums: People
OK after some serious discussion at Chrissie's house at New Year this is the final line up:-
Mums left to right - Back row - Eva Mackenzie, Fiona Watson, Ann Hill, Esther Campbell, Nikki Cain, Maria Annand, Jenny Moir, Front, Sandie Thomson, Chrissie Hogg in front of Ruth Davidson.
Comment left on 01 January 2004 by Calum Davidson
Mums left to right - Back row - Eva Mackenzie, Fiona Watson, Ann Hill, Esther Campbell, Nikki Cain, Maria Annand, Jenny Moir, Front, Sandie Thomson, Chrissie Hogg in front of Ruth Davidson.
Comment left on 01 January 2004 by Calum Davidson
I am the girl with the very big crown at the front. Don't worry I turned out really hot.
Comment left on 02 January 2004 by Isla
Well next to Isla in the front row on the left is my little sister Beth. Did my mum really make her that dress?
Comment left on 23 April 2004 at 12:15 by Sam Hourston
After consultation with Beth we can see, Steve Thompson, Philip Moir, Frances Caine, Louise Anderson, Emma Wylie, Fenella Annand, Biff Annand, Charlie Davidson, Cieran Hill, Isla Hill, David Hogg, Ian Hogg, Lisa MacKay, Lorna Watson.
Comment left on 01 May 2004 at 21:12 by Sam Hourston
Me and Iain Denoon Hogg recognise Fenellas little brother Alfie (Biff), Fiona Smith, Gareth Thomson and his 2 sisters. Sarah Rogan is the baby at the front and it is Christina Brockman-More next to her with the dark hair.
Comment left on 04 June 2004 at 18:45 by Isla And Iain
I must have been washing my hair that day.
Comment left on 25 January 2005 at 13:02 by Greig
Which one is supposed to be me Sam as I have spent ages looking and cannot see myself?
Comment left on 03 February 2005 at 10:59 by Lisa
Lisa - Is that not you at the very front with your mouth open?
Comment left on 14 March 2005 at 11:29 by Sam Hourston
That is definately not me Sam, dont know who it is though.
Comment left on 23 March 2005 at 14:46 by Lisa
Is that not Christina Brockman-Moore?
Comment left on 24 March 2005 at 18:14 by Charlie Davidson
Thats exactly who it is Charlie - well spotted!
Comment left on 24 March 2005 at 20:05 by Lisa
Hi all it's Alfie. stayed in Cromarty way back, happy memories tho! I stay in Nairn now with my brother (Harold). My sister Finella is in the USA playing womens football. I'm 18, wild and nowhere near as innocent as I was back then!
Comment left on 10 May 2005 at 20:12 by Alfie Annand
Alfie, you stay in Nairn? Would that be the fastest town in the north by any chance?
Comment left on 19 July 2005 at 11:52 by Isla
Would that be the oldest joke in the north by any chance? so you say you're hot, how u doin?
Comment left on 19 October 2005 at 19:48 by Alfie
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The boy in the kilt with Santa is Iain Hogg! Comment left on 28 December 2003 by Chrissie Hogg