David Shepherd's Wedding - c1990
Back Row: Bob 'Cherry' Maclean, Kim (Sharp) Shepherd, Paul Shepherd, David Shepherd, Yvonne 'Lulu' Shepherd (nee Bremner), Abu Shepherd, Thomas Catto, Ally Ratcliffe
Front Row: Christel-Ann Maclean, Gladys Shepherd, Ross, Sarina Catto, Louise Ratcliffe, Sophie.
Albums: People
My dad (cherry) has a very nice moustache! My mama looks good in that dress.
Comment left on 14 January 2004 by Rebecca Maclean
Paul has hair, or is it a wig?
Comment left on 23 September 2005 at 18:00 by William Taylor
Can't be Bob?!!! Surely it's one of the Chuckle Brothers?
Comment left on 19 June 2008 at 10:14 by Gordon Hogg
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