Bayview before Townlands - c1972
Peggy and Donnie Hossack with Paul and Serena Shepherd in the front garden of 18 Bayview Crescent. Note the telephone box where the road into Townlands park is now.
Albums: People
Nice to see my children - also Peggy and Donny.
Comment left on 28 February 2004 by Gladys
I have a photo somewhere, looking across towards the phonebox, before Townlands when it used to be fields, with the big house in the background. Used to have great fun playing in the hay bales.
Comment left on 18 November 2006 at 09:08 by Duncan
Did they just move the telephone then when they started building?
Comment left on 26 January 2009 at 12:44 by Mark Bown
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