Pic 571: Crowds on the Parapet Wall - c1952 Pic 1074: Buller and Iris. Pic 1079: Three Friends Pic 1082: Girl Guides walk Pic 1164: Group at top of Big Vennel Pic 1194: Mackay Children - c1952 Pic 1299: Regatta Queen Pic 1424: Pipe Band in front of the Royal Pic 1425: Jessie Duff Pic 1428: Regatta Pic 1448: Two ladies at the Gaelic chapel Pic 2280: John Jack and John Macdonald - c1949 Pic 2354: At the Nigg Hotel - 1952 Pic 2741: Royal Hotel c1952 Pic 2998: Cromarty Primary - c1952