Bag nets drying on the links - c1960
Up until the late 70s these could be seen stretched out on poles beside the Salmon Bothy to dry off and be cleaned. Climbing around and inside them was a favourite pastime for small boys at the time, although it risked getting a clip round the ear from some of the salmon fishermen.
Albums: The Sea
Groups: Salmon Fishing
Not just small boys! Girls too.
Comment left on 16 July 2003 by Jane Dunn
Could the picture been taken a couple of years before? I'm sure the boys are brothers.
Comment left on 19 July 2003 by Sue Florence
This could be Donnie and Raymond Robertson if taken a couple of years earlier. Possibly Ronnie Winton in the middle??
Comment left on 08 February 2004 by Dorothy Ewen
This picture was in my auntie Ena's house and I think it is Pat Swanson (left), Kenny Mmacfarlane (middle) and Alan Macfarlane (right).
Comment left on 28 January 2005 at 19:07 by Kenny MacFarlane
The Great 'Salmon Bagnet'. Probably cotton. Nylon courling had not quite arrived. Of Norwegian design, 200 odd years old. A rare sight not seen so much anymore.
Comment left on 06 April 2013 at 12:38 by JOHN REDDIGAN
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