Isa & George Thomson
Standing outside their house in Duke St, probably with their daughter Irene.
Albums: People
Yes, it is me!
Comment left on 02 July 2005 at 19:24 by Irene
We will miss you granny Love you lots from Donald Kathrine and Hamish xxx
Comment left on 27 October 2006 at 21:31 by Anonymous
I was saddened when my gran told me about Isa. I seen her shortly before she passed away, which was good I suppose. Isa was one of the 'old school'. Cliche, I know, but its true. Nothing was ever too much to ask of her. She was amazing to me and all my family and was a great addition to the staff at The Byre. I loved her a great deal and she will be truly missed. I was upset I couldn't make the funeral but my best wishes goes out to all her family.
Ross xxx Comment left on 21 November 2006 at 15:13 by Rocco
Ross xxx Comment left on 21 November 2006 at 15:13 by Rocco
Thank you Ross for your kind wishes to us following the passing of Isa. She will be sadly missed by us all, thanks Flora. (Billy's wife ). I shall let the family know about your kind words.
Comment left on 23 December 2006 at 19:25 by Flora Thomson.
My Granny was the best granny you could ever want i want to thank everyone that helped my family through everything Granny i will miss you you were the best Love Kathrine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Comment left on 25 December 2006 at 23:26 by Anonymous
I'd like to add my condolences to Billy and Flo. Isa was a lovely woman and a perfect wife to George. She will be sadly missed by the locals in Crom I'm sure. I'm not always the first to hear of folk's passing in Cromarty, but I remember them all very well, and am sad to hear of any of them leaving us.
Comment left on 30 December 2006 at 11:16 by Jackie Bain
Thank you very much for your kind words of condolences Jackie. Billy and I both remember you. I often see Caroline if I'm out and about in Fortrose. Thank you again and all the best for 2007 Flora.
Comment left on 31 December 2006 at 19:35 by Flora Thomson.
Isa & George were my Aunt & Uncle. I am the son of Andrew Thomson, George's brother. I'm in Scotland on a road trip & would love to track down Billy or Irene + any family members.
I have very fond memories of George & Isa. Comment left on 07 July 2024 at 07:58 by Stuart Thomson
I have very fond memories of George & Isa. Comment left on 07 July 2024 at 07:58 by Stuart Thomson
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