D.R.McKenzie's Iron Mongery Store
This picture shows D.R.MacKenzie's Ironmongery Shop which has more recently been Binnies Tearoom. Even more recently, it has now become the 'Shipping Forecast'.
Albums: Shops
I remember the house round the corner from D R's belonging to Sackie Campbell - the wee car belonged to Ken Sutherland our town clerk.
Comment left on 28 March 2003 by Sue Florence
I used to love the smell of linoleum in D R's.
Comment left on 26 December 2005 at 21:30 by Rhoda Patience
Now you come to mention it Rhonda ..yes D.R's did have a smell of linoleum to it ...My Dad was always in there ...for do it yourself stuff from nails to paint ...I always admired the shop front ...and this pic definitely shows that off !! If my memory serves me right ..I think David Mackenzie had a television in his Shop Window ...when B&W TV sets first came in ...and we all used to watch all the shows come on in the freezing cold some nights ! ..until people starting buying sets of their own ...ahhh those were the days eh ? ....and yes I do remember that wee car Sue !
Comment left on 28 December 2005 at 13:30 by John Macdonald
The shop was called DJ Mackenzie - my uncle's. DR Mackenzie was his father and before this picture was taken he owned a grocers shop and Cromarty bakery - from the first world war to the 1950's in competition with Matheson's.
Comment left on 16 February 2011 at 20:07 by Angus Scott Dickins
I don't think there is any disrespect intended Angus, but the older locals will always refer to the shop as D.R's just as the General store on Bank St will always be known as Matheson's. However what is not in doubt was that David was highly regarded in Cromarty and was always helpful and obliging. As John (above) says you could get anything from an anchor to a nail and if it wasn't in stock it would be there next week. The other memory is as John also mentions the B/W 14in TV in the window. I remember very clearly watching what must have been the very first live football match seen in Cromarty one evening in the middle of winter probably attended by as many that turned up to watch Cromarty at the Victoria Park.
Comment left on 19 February 2011 at 21:37 by Alex Grant
The house round the corner did, as Sue says, belong to Sackie Campbell, my great uncle. He died in 1966, and his wife, Mary (Junor) continued to live there till her death in 1968. In the photo the house seems to be boarded up. If so, the photo can be no earlier than 1968. [Date Updated - Editor]
Comment left on 23 February 2011 at 12:50 by Ruth MacGregor
I wonder if the invalid car in the bottom left hand corner belonged to Ken Sutherland, the Town Clerk. The Town Council office was next door to what was Bain the Draper's shop.
Comment left on 23 February 2011 at 13:47 by Rhoda Patience
My grandfather was the policeman in the mid 30s 40s, his name was Donald Duff.
Comment left on 23 August 2016 at 08:10 by Gillian Thom
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