Burnside House Gable End
Picture showing the Gable end of Burnside House as the old harling is removed. The picture clearly shows the position of two additional original windows (now blocked up). One on the first floor and one in the attic.
Albums: Buildings
I lived in Burnside in the 1940"s and can confirm it was in fact at that time 3 stories. In the 1950's we, my three sisters and I, went to make our own lives, off to far flung corners such as Canada and the South of England. My parents then went to settle in Carlisle. Any locals from that time I'd love to hear from you. Get in touch through [email protected]
Comment left on 14 April 2006 at 01:20 by David Taylor
David - according to Catriona Gillies (who you will remember, I'm sure), you and your family lived in Burnside House (aka Farndale) - which is directly opposite the Brewery. This picture is of the house currently known as Burnside, which is the next door one - at the corner of Church Street, opposite what was the East Church Hall and is now the East Hall Child and Family Centre. Good to hear from you.
Comment left on 23 April 2006 at 18:31 by Sandy Thomson
My father can recall 3 families living in this house. The first Capt. Absem of the Disperser together with his family, then there was a family by the name of Hatton who lived there during the war and likely to have been evacuees and finally Hugh and Alice Jack lived there some time after the war.
Comment left on 29 April 2006 at 20:18 by Andrew Bathie
Catriona is right about the house you lived in David. I used to get singing lessons from your mum when we had a concert and that was at your house. Your sisters Lu Betty And Roma I remember very well. Ronnie sends his regards hear from you sometime Iris Mackay now Winton.
Comment left on 29 April 2006 at 22:50 by Iris Winton
David, a letter is on it's way to you with pics of Cromarty School Spire, the Lighthouse, QM2 etc
Comment left on 30 April 2006 at 21:59 by Clem Watson
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What the photo shows is that the house was formerly a three storey one. It was converted round about 1911 or so, when it was rebuilt inside and became two storey. It had apparently become ruinous in the early years of the century. Comment left on 16 April 2005 at 12:51 by Sandy Thomson