Anne & Laura Brand
TV stars of their day who holidayed annually in Cromarty. Anne & Laura Brand entertaining in the Victoria Hall. I would say it would be about 1964.
Albums: People
I remember when they used to stay in the Royal Hotel. They frequently crossed to Invergordon in the Endeavour, and hired it for a trip 'round the Sutors' having a sing song aboard. I also recall taking Anne's young son for a row-about in the 'Vee' in my fibreglass dingy ''Sugarbowl''. They enjoyed many a happy holiday thanks to Mrs Macaulay, Manageress at the time.
Comment left on 02 June 2005 at 18:34 by Clem Watson
I remember my mam telling me about Anne & Laura Brand and how much they loved coming to Cromarty every year, when she worked in the Royal Hotel for Mrs Macaulay in the busy summer months.
Comment left on 03 June 2005 at 22:49 by Dorothy Ewen
I must have already left Cromarty ( 1963 ) when this was taken ..I never ever saw them live ...This is a nice pic of them ...but that stage in the Victoria Hall ...does bring back a few memories !!
Comment left on 04 June 2005 at 15:16 by John Macdonald
Got their autographs great show, they enjoyed the Royal.
Comment left on 12 June 2006 at 12:53 by Donnie Robertson
There seems to be little known about Anne and Laura Brand outside Scotland. I can just remember them on the "White Heather Club". There is a 'Link'to the "White Heather Club" page on the Internet Encyclopedia 'Wikipeda' set up with basic information on it, about them. This was just as a starting point. If more information is available:it has to be verifiable. Anyone can add to or edit it. There seems to be a lot about the other performers, who were in "The White Heather Club", on the internet, but not about them.
Comment left on 19 April 2007 at 22:03 by Peter Lane
I am Laura Brand, and have just seen this web site for the first time. My sister Anne still lives in Aberdeen-married name Logan, and I live in Milnathort, -married name Keppie. We do not sing in public any more, but do enjoy getting round the piano when we get together. We each have a grown up son and daughter, with Anne having 5 grand children, and I have 4. We are so happy to think that folks remember us. Thank you.
Comment left on 20 April 2007 at 17:48 by Laura Brand Keppie
I am a very good friend of Anne and Laura Brand, but lost track over the years. They were a very good duo in the early 60's and 70's. So glad to have found this website. Hope Anne and Laura read this sometime.
Comment left on 24 March 2008 at 20:10 by Sandra Reid
About 10 years ago I was showing a relative from Cromarty around the Canadian Rockies and stopped the car at Peyto Lake on the Icefields Parkway. Cath did not want to get out of the car but I made her walk to the viewpoint and who should we meet but Laura Brand and her husband! We had all just stopped there briefly to see the Lake in the middle of nowhere. Small World!
Comment left on 28 March 2008 at 00:19 by [email protected]
Hi Laura, I have your 'Songs of the Fisher Folk' Ep and love it...In Australia now and play it at Barbies, love cromarty too my ancestral home. Shame no CD out of your music....
steve Comment left on 15 November 2008 at 00:36 by Steve
steve Comment left on 15 November 2008 at 00:36 by Steve
This is the first photo I've seen of Anne and Laura Brand. I was introduced to their music on a recording of The White Heather Club I found in the basement of a radio station in Connecticut in 1976. I love hearing The Northern Lights of Aberdeen. My grandparent came from there in 1920 and 1921 and though I've never been to Scotland, I get tears when I hear the song. I hope to go "hame" for the first time someday. The music of Anne and Laura Brand and the other performers on The White Heather Club is always in my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely voices.
Comment left on 08 May 2010 at 09:36 by Bob Paine
laura Brand/Mrs Keppie was my primary school teacher for a while. (Sciennes Primary, Edinburgh). A lovely lady with a beautiful voice.
Comment left on 15 October 2010 at 13:20 by Norman Hogg
Just tumbled on this web by accident; so pleased to hear Ann and Laura are still around. I am the Jimmy of the late Jimmy and Duncan duo, who appeared regularly on their 1969 show " High Summer " on Grampian telivision. It was a lovely, happy experience, working with two such beautiful people. we'll never forget them!
Comment left on 31 October 2010 at 12:46 by Jim Smart
The beautiful voices of these sisters have been long remembered and will never be forgotten .
Comment left on 28 November 2010 at 21:02 by Jim Taylor
Laura, just found this website and lovely to find out where you are. I am Rosemary, daughter of David and Isobel Stein. We got to know you in Stanley and continued the friendship to Edinburgh. I lost touch with you after dad died but it is lovely to hear all about the family. Kind regards to all.
Comment left on 18 January 2011 at 10:42 by Rosemary Smith
Hi there I remember my late Mum had one of your LPs. I would love to be able to obtain one of your CDs. My family now live on Waiheke Island in New Zealand. I have a four year old daughter who loves to sing and dance and is already displaying an interest in the piano and flute. Can anyone help please?
Comment left on 24 March 2011 at 11:06 by Glen Muirie
Hiya I have a cd I can copy it for you, I live in Queensland but am from Cromarty
email me [email protected] Comment left on 25 March 2011 at 08:37 by Steve
email me [email protected] Comment left on 25 March 2011 at 08:37 by Steve
Our family were on sabbatical in 1976 when we bought a cassette tape put out by RCA called 'The Sound of Scotland' which our family just loved, memorized and wore out. We would love to find those songs, which included "My Ain Folk" beautifully sung by Annie and Laura Brand. Is there an album available which would include this song?
Comment left on 06 December 2011 at 04:36 by Georgene Kirkpatrick
I'll look for the tape since I love "My Ain Folk". Please let me know if you find other albums/tapes/CDs with the Brands on them, and thanks.
Comment left on 06 December 2011 at 09:30 by Bob Paine
Laura Brand was my first Primary teacher at Sciennes School. We were all lucky to have her, she was always smiling. Beautiful singer.
Comment left on 30 May 2012 at 20:49 by Norma Hughes
How sad that George Donald, Ann and Laura's pianist in the mid-sixties TV programmes they did on Grampian TV, has just died. George taught me French and German at RGC in Aberdeen prior to his becoming the pianist/singer of "Scotland the What". I now live in Calgary, Canada.
Comment left on 09 October 2013 at 21:12 by Richard Puckridge
Comment left on 09 October 2013 at 21:12 by Richard Puckridge
Does any one have any photos of the HollyBerries concert in 1975 in Kinross Secondary School Mrs Keppie was our choir mistress and Tommy Sampson played piano ,, Ron Gonella was there and other stars of the time.
Comment left on 06 July 2014 at 18:52 by Sandra Russell
I first saw the sisters at Massey Hall in Toronto Ontario at the White Heather Concert. My parents and younger sister went every year and we were thrilled by these beautiful voices. It was ,I think in the 60's and 70's. Andy Stewart was also in the show...I still have my records.
Comment left on 11 January 2015 at 22:47 by Judy Fergusson English
Comment left on 11 January 2015 at 22:47 by Judy Fergusson English
My Father James Brand Mackie who died in 1962 told me that he was Ann and Laura's uncle. The only relative I remember was my fathers sister married to RM Sangster the butcher. My Dad's name was Samuel
Comment left on 02 March 2015 at 21:22 by Michael Mackie
Laura brand was my first teacher. Aka Mrs keppie.
Comment left on 18 May 2016 at 20:30 by June brunton
I met Laura in the Queen Mary Nursing Home in May 1964 where we had given birth to our daughters. Been in England for a number of years but now living in Gullane.
Comment left on 31 December 2016 at 23:55 by Sheila McCubbing
My parents had a record of Anne and Laura singing and those songs are some of my earliest memories. I still sing them all the time and love them to this day.
Comment left on 15 September 2017 at 21:45 by Suzanne Robins-Bird
Comment left on 15 September 2017 at 21:45 by Suzanne Robins-Bird
I was on the same class as June Brunton and Mrs Keppie was also my first teacher at Sciennes primary in Edinburgh. Fantastic teacher,singer and person. Since I was on the school orchestra (violinist), she got me a ticket to attend a live BBC show from Queen Street. Very nice memories of Laurs.
Comment left on 31 October 2017 at 00:09 by George Smith
I so remember having afternoon tea in the hotel at Cromarty where we stayed every year from 1953. I have a photo of us with Anne’s children in the conservatory as she and hubby holidayed there too. My dad Bob Harkin shared the role with Anne as judges in the gala beauty competition in the Victoria Hall.
Comment left on 24 January 2019 at 01:25 by Linda Greene nee Harkin
Laura Brand (aka Miss Keppie) was my Teacher at Sciennes from about 54 -59. I was 5 when I arrived and 9 when we moved out to The Inch. They were the WORST days of my life. She was a horrible person to me personally - at age of 5, after whacking me with a ruler on the knuckles, she told me to got to the Headmistress (Miss Kay I think) for "punishment". I had no idea what punsihment was, but knew it wasn`t going to be pleasant - that day began a series of running out of school rather than be hit again. She was a nasty piece of work and has been on my "to do list" all my life to one day confront her and demand to know, WHY?? I was only 5yrs old!! My biggest regret was missing the School reunion a few years ago, I didn`t know about until a couple of weeks later, and told she had been there...... In short - she would be classified today as a child abuser
Comment left on 27 September 2019 by John Lennie
the recent sad passing of the beautiful singer, Ina Miller of Caithness, reminded me of the song she 'shared' with Anne and Laura-'Partan's In His Creel.' My mammy and granny both hailed from Cromary. My great granddad was head shepherd on the Lord Middleton Estate. Am sill in touch with Claire L, who lives near the Distilley at Invergordon.
Comment left on 21 November 2019 by Raymond Smith
Hi john
I went through something dreadful but in Sunderland
It’s awful and these people should be called out
Comment left on 17 December 2019 by
I went through something dreadful but in Sunderland
It’s awful and these people should be called out
Comment left on 17 December 2019 by
Around Scotland In Song is still a much played (somewhat worse from wear by now) favourite LP of mine by Anne and Laura with terrific backing from George Donald etc-they sang the best harmonies ever.As a young message boy I seem to recall delivering a box of groceries to one of the sisters who lived in Perth at the time.Is my memory playing tricks on that one? I think it was Laura. Bring back those golden memories of the White Heather Club, Kilt Is My Delight and so many more great tartan shows
Comment left on 21 December 2019 by Raymond Smith
Comment left on 21 December 2019 by Raymond Smith
I'm sitting here on 31st December reminiscing about years gone by. I recall Anne and Laura did many solo spots on the White Heather Club programme. I particularly remember Laura's great rendition of MY AIN FIRESIDE by Joe Corrie. I also remember seeing them both at a concert in Leith where they shared the stage with the singing Dentist Alastair Gillies.They were indeed two very talented lassies. My brother, Dixie, was the lead dancer on the White Heather TV show. Unfortunately, Dixie died two years ago. Thanks Anne and Laura for many fond memories.
Comment left on 31 December 2019 by Billy Ingram
Hi. Laura Brand was my first teacher at Sciennes primary school. She was really nice. Carol Devlin (Billings)
Comment left on 02 January 2020 by Carol Devlin
Hello. Does anyone have an email contact for either Anne or Laura? The one listed above for Laura is no longer working ... It's from 2007, so could very well be changed or deleted. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks - Brian
Comment left on 18 January 2020 by Brian Castles-Onion
Hi, I’m from Nova Scotia Canada and was once a dancer on a Nationally televised television show called “Ceilidh”. It was produced in Halifax in the 1970s for CBC. Anne and Laura brand were guest singers on the show. Beside the fact that they were beautiful both inside and out they had lovely singing voices and were extremely kind. As dancers we often chatted with them off stage. I still have an autographed picture of them. I hope that they are still with us and doing well. God bless them! For the sake of interest our show also featured other guests from Scotland such as Callum Kennedy, Colin Campbell(accordionist), the Alexander Brothers , and for at least two seasons, Alastair Gilles (spelling?) was the host!
Comment left on 20 January 2020 by Glenda(Grant) Ellenberger
Comment left on 20 January 2020 by Glenda(Grant) Ellenberger
Unfortunately Tom Alexander died just the other week
Sad loss Comment left on 20 January 2020 by Linda Greene nee Harkin
Sad loss Comment left on 20 January 2020 by Linda Greene nee Harkin
Sad news of Laura keppies passing ! A pure jem!
Comment left on 26 November 2020 by Dougie
I am Anne's daughter, and Laura's niece. I am very sad to say that Laura died peacefully at home earlier this week. She was a wonderful woman who was full of fun and lived life to the full.
My mother Anne sadly has Alzheiner's and is now being very well looked after in a care home. It is a small blessing that she will not know that her dearly loved sister has died. Comment left on 27 November 2020 by Judith Logan
My mother Anne sadly has Alzheiner's and is now being very well looked after in a care home. It is a small blessing that she will not know that her dearly loved sister has died. Comment left on 27 November 2020 by Judith Logan
Unfortunately Laura (BRAND) Keppie passed away suddenly earlier this week at the age of 87.
Laura was my neighbour in Milnathort and I knew her as a wonderful person who had the energy and vitality of someone at least 40 years younger.
My condolences to Laura's family and friends.
Here's a link to a YouTube video of Laura and her sister singing:
Here is a link to the obituary:
www.legacy.com/obituaries/scotsman-uk/obituary.aspx?n=laura-keppie-brand&pid=197170924 Comment left on 27 November 2020 by Corran Beban
Laura was my neighbour in Milnathort and I knew her as a wonderful person who had the energy and vitality of someone at least 40 years younger.
My condolences to Laura's family and friends.
Here's a link to a YouTube video of Laura and her sister singing:
Here is a link to the obituary:
www.legacy.com/obituaries/scotsman-uk/obituary.aspx?n=laura-keppie-brand&pid=197170924 Comment left on 27 November 2020 by Corran Beban
I was a teaching colleague of Laura at Kinross Primary School and taught Stephen, her son, who sadly died a few years ago.
I also knew Billie Ingram (above), way back in 1962.
Tom Gemmell Comment left on 06 December 2020 by Tom Gemmell
I also knew Billie Ingram (above), way back in 1962.
Tom Gemmell Comment left on 06 December 2020 by Tom Gemmell
Billie I remember Dixie Ingram your brother and lead dancer from The White Heather Club. Great every Hogmanay.
Comment left on 08 December 2020 by Dorothy Ewen.
I was fortunate to interview Laura in 2019 for Aberdeen University. I was so sad to see that she had passed away. She was still displaying star quality when I talked to her. She was full of enthusiasm and so happy to recall her career singing with Anne. And as someone said earlier, she was beautiful and kind.
Comment left on 16 February 2021 by Sheila Young
Billie, I remember Dixie, your brother very clearly. He taught me Highland Dancing in Currie in the sixties - he was a great dancer. He also worked with my father at the Mart - possibly at Gorgie in Edinburgh. I am sorry to hear of his passing, he was a lovely man.
Comment left on 16 May 2021 by Katrina Morrison
I just found this site and was delighted to see Judith Logan's message - although desperately sad to learn of Laura's passing. Dear Judith, I am sure you will remember that I used to "baby" sit for your Mum and Dad in Garden Place all those years ago. I knew James and Anne more than Laura and Joe, although I do remember staying with them both when James took me to Edinburgh in May 1969 when we scouted out venues for the first "Scotland the What?" scheduled for that summer at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. I knew your Mum and Dad so well, especially when you all lived across the road from us. After I moved to Hong Kong in 1979 I used to buy some silk on my trips to mainland China and your mother was wonderful at making dresses from it for my mother. How she loved those dresses! I used to meet your mother for coffee on many annual visits to Aberdeen. The last occasion must have been probably in 2014 or 2015. Whenever, I had been told that she had started to lose her memory. But sitting in the sunshine in the bay window of her home, she looked so radiant, as elegant and charming as ever and a joy to be with. I would never have guessed that that awful illness had started. Unfortunately I was not back in Aberdeen until October 2019 but it was only for 24 hours to visit my brother and his family. Having lived in Hong Kong and Tokyo most of my working life, I am now based in Bangkok where I am semi-retired. I hope to be back in Aberdeen early next year, but much will depend on the progress of the pandemic. Hopefully I might be able to see your Mum again then. In the meantime do please give her my fondest love. Hopefully, too, she may remember me. And it would be lovely to hear from you. My email is linked to this site and so I will get any message. All best wishes to you and Jeremy and your families
Comment left on 17 August 2021 by John Duffus
When I was in second year at Boroughmuir Annexe in Tay Street in 1958-9 we had Laura Brand as our English teacher.She was a wonderful teacher, made Shakespeare a joy to learn. Does anyone remember? Sorry to hear of her passing.
Comment left on 10 January 2022 by Ann (Carruthers) Pettie
Billy Ingram I believe you were great friends of my family my gran was Evelyn Dewar best friends with your mum Peggy . Are you still in Scotland ?
Comment left on 02 September 2023 at 23:26 by Caroline Donovan
I lived next door to Laura Keppie and her family in Kinross. She very kindly let me play on her grand piano in her home. Sad to learn of her passing. Avril (Wallace) Haseler who lived at The Neuk, Kinross.
Comment left on 02 December 2023 at 07:08 by Avril Haseler
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