Family outside the Retreat
William Hogg (18-7-1855 to 20-11-1914) and his wife Jessie Black Hendry (1862 1912) with three of their children, probably William, John and Jessie.
The door they are standing by is now a window, with the main entrance being round the back.
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I remember that on the wall shown above there was a small metal hatch/bucket built into a gap. Grace delivered the milk with a pony and cart at the time. She would place our milk and fresh rolls from the bakery in the hatch which we could then open from inside the kitchen.
I also remember lots of 'Goosegog' (gooseberry) bushes in the garden and the attic room I slept in being wood panelled on the walls and coombed roof. Comment left on 02 August 2005 at 13:42 by Garve Scott-Lodge