I'm really pleased to see the use of ''the Cromarty dormer'', both on the reconstructed Barkly House, and on the 'new build' adjacent. Many congratulations on convincing the Planning Authority!! I hope this leads to many more sympathetically designed buildings in gap sites around Cromarty. In the not too distant future, maybe the former Townlands Farm site could incorporate some of this pleasing style of fenestration??Comment left on 27 October 2005 at 21:46 by Clem Watson
and on the 'new build' adjacent. Many congratulations on convincing the Planning Authority!! I hope
this leads to many more sympathetically designed buildings in gap sites around Cromarty. In the not
too distant future, maybe the former Townlands Farm site could incorporate some of this pleasing style
of fenestration?? Comment left on 27 October 2005 at 21:46 by Clem Watson