The old But and Ben after the storm - Nov 2005
The old But and Ben on the High street lost its roof in the storms of mid November. The But and Ben and the Dairy flank Townlands Barn, and the roof blew off, sadly on the same day that John McBean was buried.
Albums: Buildings
That building Calum is the But and Ben
Comment left on 22 November 2005 at 00:35 by Nora
As well as being the dairy, this building was for a while a small restaurant operated by Mrs Campbell
Newton, and Jane Duncan, the Authoress, Jemimaville, of ''My Friends''...., fame. I cannot readily recall the dates, but place it somewhere in the mid sixties. It's last role as a dairy, was as a store for
the 2pint (quart), and 1pint glass milk bottles, over stamped Towlands Dairy, plus boxes of aluninum
foil tops. Comment left on 24 November 2005 at 21:03 by Clem Watson
Newton, and Jane Duncan, the Authoress, Jemimaville, of ''My Friends''...., fame. I cannot readily recall the dates, but place it somewhere in the mid sixties. It's last role as a dairy, was as a store for
the 2pint (quart), and 1pint glass milk bottles, over stamped Towlands Dairy, plus boxes of aluninum
foil tops. Comment left on 24 November 2005 at 21:03 by Clem Watson
Does anyone else have a Townlands Dairy commemorative mug, probably from some time in the 1980s? I'm sure my parents had one in the cupboard for years, and I'm wondering if it's Antiques Roadshow of the future stuff!!
Comment left on 25 November 2005 at 17:29 by Kirsten
Nora is correct, it is the But and Ben, the dairy was next door.
Comment left on 25 November 2005 at 22:54 by Anon
A Townlands Dairy mug came up on ebay a few months ago. I had a shot at it but missed it - can't remember the final price but I think it may have been around �15. Not enough to retire on yet!
Comment left on 26 November 2005 at 14:19 by Estelle Quick
Anon is correct, dairy was next door towards the Hall, just at the entrance to the farm. My mistake.
The building you would know as But & Ben, was for a spell, the late Donald Grant's Taxi Office and
electrical shop (circa 1950's) Comment left on 28 November 2005 at 13:13 by Clem Watson
The building you would know as But & Ben, was for a spell, the late Donald Grant's Taxi Office and
electrical shop (circa 1950's) Comment left on 28 November 2005 at 13:13 by Clem Watson
Thanks for the Correction Nora. I have changed the caption.
Comment left on 28 November 2005 at 13:57 by Anonymous
I was saddened to gather from the caption that John McBean had died in November. I wish that somebody had informed me. I worked briefly for John in the late sixties as the Townlands dairy cattleman and have vivid memories of the often pre-dawn and post-dusk activities that went on at the byre, the bottling shed and the dairy. I came to Cromarty last summer fully expecting these facilities to have been long since obliterated and the site full of new houses. So I was astonished to find both the byre where I had milked the cows and the shed where Gracie had bottled the milk, still standing. Would someone please take a photograph of them for the Image Library while they are still there!
Comment left on 03 December 2005 at 22:42 by Christopher Hart
Hello. yes in answer to your question I have a Townsland dairy mug! it was given to me by my late father Martin McBean! his father was Alex mother was Rachael! not sure if the mug has anything but great sentimental value.
Comment left on 11 February 2018 at 03:40 by James McBean
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