The extension to Barkley House nears completion
Albums: Buildings
Groups: Barclay House Restoration
Gerry Smith [picture #284] used to live there.
Comment left on 22 December 2005 at 11:28 by Hamish Thomson
Planning must be relaxing design requirements, when a timber external clad, is adjacent to the former artisan housing (''b'' listed) in Duke street? the earlier pic from the garden was more promising, but the extension should be compatible with barkly house itself, and have a harled finish?
Comment left on 21 June 2006 at 15:38 by Clem Watson
Comment left on 21 June 2006 at 15:38 by Clem Watson
I'm no expert Clem, but I think the current planning fashion is that new parts of buildings should be clearly that so that it's possible to still see what the original footprint of the building was.
Comment left on 22 June 2006 at 08:47 by Garve
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