3 Croms
Derry Duff is in the centre.
Albums: People
This is Jimmy and Jock Macivor they lived at Rosefarm
Comment left on 05 January 2006 at 23:46 by Iris Winton
Hi Iris. My nan remembers Jimmy and Jock when they visited Cromarty in the 50's together
Comment left on 07 January 2006 at 20:51 by Paul Thomas
Hi Iris and Lachie was in Cromarty in April, spoke to Lachie, Buller it was a nice visit will be back soon. New to this computer thing you croms are well into it.
Comment left on 12 June 2006 at 12:16 by Donnie Robertson
Nice to hear from you Donnie, maybe we will see you next time you are here?
Comment left on 17 July 2006 at 13:03 by Iris Winton
Dear Iris, and family, very nice to hear from you.Kathleen and I are still in E LLON, seems like 1964, still speak Cromarty, I THINK. Three kids of course, Bruce, L esley, and wee Donnie. Grandchildren, well only five. Met Lachie and Buller in April when we got a good deal from the Royal. There seems to be fewer, and fewer old Croms left .None in the Royal at all .Met Rhona Hogg, in Mathesons, saw Thomas, and Ginga, up a roof .THE WHITE SETTLERS, seem to have taken over.Told D orothy we were there, she reckoned it would not have changed at all.How wrong can she be .Iris we planned to be there next week but we got a free static caravan in Fochabers for a week, to good to refuse, and a lot cheaper than the Royal .Please send me your E mail address . Lots of love Donnie and extended family .
Comment left on 18 July 2006 at 12:10 by Donnie Robertson
Jimmy Married Maureen MacBeth from Jemimaville
Comment left on 03 September 2007 at 19:45 by Mary MacKay now Tomlinson Harrison
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