Rig Conversion in the Queens Dock
This aerial photo was used in a number of promotional publications by the then Highland Regional Council and the Highlands and Islands Development Board. It shows the the then new Queens Dock, with a rig - on a couple of barges - being converted into a production vessel.
I think the date is the late 80's, if I'm wrong I'm sure that I will be corrected.
Albums: Aerial Views, Oil Industry, The Sea
The rig on the barges is the North Sea Pioneer, she used to be called the Transworld 58 and she was i think the first ever semi submersible to come into th Cromarty firth. The other rig along side is the Ocean Alliance and she is bridged to the quayside by JP Knights Khensu crane barge. The other rig that appears to be running anchors is either the Sta Dive or the Sta Drill I think.
Comment left on 19 March 2006 at 14:15 by Ronald Young
Cheers Ronald - I knew you would keep me right!
Comment left on 19 March 2006 at 15:11 by Calum Davidson
I was looking for information on Transworld 58 when I found this site. My husband worked on her when she was drilling oil on the Congo river and in Angola from 1970 to 1972. According to Kerr-Mcgee History 1929-2004 she was converted in 1975. Hope this helps you.
Comment left on 13 April 2006 at 14:09 by Glenda Golden
the Trans wold 58 went through several conversions from drilling to exploration and back to drilling then on to production in 1988/89.
Comment left on 16 April 2006 at 09:39 by Ronald Young
Ronald, Thank you for the information about Transworld 58. Glenda.
Comment left on 19 April 2006 at 23:02 by Glenda Golden
No problem Glenda, I was involved in the operation when she was lifted out of the water on the two Boa Barges (6 and 7 I think) which at the time was the first time a tandem barge lift like that had taken place in Europe pssibly the world.
Comment left on 21 April 2006 at 23:44 by Ronald Young
The Transworld 58 was the 1st to produce oil from the North Sea on a commercial basis----May 1975.
i was a welder on the Coupler One diving barge at the time. Comment left on 26 October 2006 at 14:35 by Bill Lucas
i was a welder on the Coupler One diving barge at the time. Comment left on 26 October 2006 at 14:35 by Bill Lucas
I worked on the Transworld 58 - 1973 to 1987. I started as a roustabout drilling off the Shetlands then worked in the control room. TW58 went into Middlesborough in 1974 and was converted to a floating production semi submersible platform start oil production June 1975 via oil transfer to theogenitor tankeri.
Comment left on 03 January 2007 at 18:22 by Ron Corsar
It has been great to learn the different bits of information on TW58. Always wanted to know what happened to her after Richard left in 1972.
Comment left on 03 January 2007 at 22:18 by Glenda Golden
My father was one of the rescued in 1981. Mr Ronald Magee. Would you have any pictures?
Comment left on 12 May 2007 at 19:20 by Mr L Magee
What happened in 1981 that your father was rescued.. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures after 1972.
Comment left on 14 May 2007 at 01:37 by Glenda Golden
Glenda like yourself I was wondering what happened in 1981, so I did a bit of research on and found a bit of info on the HSE website. In brief it says that in January of 1981 TW 58s No 4 anchor parted in 82knt winds and as the wind conditions deteriorated and over the next 3 hours 4 more anchor chains parted. At this point two helicopters were mobilised to attempt an evacuation of non essential personnel. 20 mins later the breakaway of the rig seemed imminent and 3 of the last 4 anchor chains were deliberately cut free to prevent capsize and left the rig dragging on just one anchor. shortly after the evacuation commenced and 48 people were lfted to safety leaving only 22 onboard. the rig drifted for 27 miles over 1 and a half days before a towline was secured and the rig was towed to dock for chain inspection.
Comment left on 14 May 2007 at 18:13 by Ronald Young
Sorry, I thought I had added, my father was on the Transworld 58 oil rig disaster 1981, when they had to cut the anchors.
Comment left on 14 May 2007 at 19:52 by Mr L Magee
I joined the TW58 as a Producton Operator working for Expro (North Sea) when the rig was in Wilson Walton's yard on Teeside in late 1974.
I was working nightshift on 3rd/4th January 1976 when the rig broke free from its moorings in strong gales, and snapped several anchor chains. The gale had blown up quite suddenly, and although the riser had been pulled earlier, there was no time to disconnect the control lines to the riser, and all the hose bundles snapped, causing damage to the riser stabs. The gale subsided after daylight, but the sea was still washing over the helideck when were told by the Transworld crew that we could go to bed, but fully dressed and with lifejackets handy.
Fortunately there were no casualties and it was not necessary to evacuate the rig, but it was not until some weeks later that production was resumed.
I have two other abiding memories of the rig:
- The sheerlegs crane collapsing under the weight of the mud pump which was being removed in order to lighten the rig. The Smit Loyd supply boat which was standing by to tale th pump took off like a scalded cat. Again there were no casualties, but we had to work non-stop for thirty hours to make the production plant safe.
- On Saturday 13th November 1976, the Instrument Technician Tommy Twatt and I were dropped into the sea when the divers' cage from which we were transferring to the rig from a Zodiac fractured. We had been over to service the SBM, and were returning to the rig with the Electrician, Alan Ross, who did not get his feet wet that day!
Comment left on 07 August 2007 at 15:46 by Robin Hutton
I was working nightshift on 3rd/4th January 1976 when the rig broke free from its moorings in strong gales, and snapped several anchor chains. The gale had blown up quite suddenly, and although the riser had been pulled earlier, there was no time to disconnect the control lines to the riser, and all the hose bundles snapped, causing damage to the riser stabs. The gale subsided after daylight, but the sea was still washing over the helideck when were told by the Transworld crew that we could go to bed, but fully dressed and with lifejackets handy.
Fortunately there were no casualties and it was not necessary to evacuate the rig, but it was not until some weeks later that production was resumed.
I have two other abiding memories of the rig:
- The sheerlegs crane collapsing under the weight of the mud pump which was being removed in order to lighten the rig. The Smit Loyd supply boat which was standing by to tale th pump took off like a scalded cat. Again there were no casualties, but we had to work non-stop for thirty hours to make the production plant safe.
- On Saturday 13th November 1976, the Instrument Technician Tommy Twatt and I were dropped into the sea when the divers' cage from which we were transferring to the rig from a Zodiac fractured. We had been over to service the SBM, and were returning to the rig with the Electrician, Alan Ross, who did not get his feet wet that day!
Comment left on 07 August 2007 at 15:46 by Robin Hutton
Interesting pic. I was involved with the salvage of the Khennsu from the bottom of the Firth after it collapsed at the Invergordon base. I was actually diving on the Sedco 706, when it fell and was pulled back to the surface sharpish in case we had to perform a rescue. Thankfully not.
Comment left on 09 August 2007 at 23:06 by Mark
Interesting Mark - I remember the Knennsu accident, but not the details.
Comment left on 10 August 2007 at 19:22 by Calum Davidson
Hello. The Khensu was, I believe, in the process of being re-certified as there were a number of steel test weights on the seabed. They were a pig to rig as they were stuck in the seabed. The 706 is in Invergordon at present.
Comment left on 11 August 2007 at 12:57 by Mark
I was there when the first oil was taken ashore in the tanker Spiros. If you click on these web addresses you can see the pictures I took and the story about it.
www.shipsnostalgia.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=81818 Comment left on 09 October 2007 at 12:28 by Capt Kenn Appleby
www.shipsnostalgia.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=81818 Comment left on 09 October 2007 at 12:28 by Capt Kenn Appleby
I worked on the transworld 58 from 1980 until 1987 as an AD and I was on it when it broke loose in 81, quite a wild night that one for sure, Tommy Rattray was the electtrician on my shift, Pete Bell from KEITH was assistant Barge watch and Free Fall Franklin the crane operator, had some great times on that old tub, a fantastic number of guys started thier offshore career on the 58 many of them went on to greater things and I wish them all well, Does any body eals out there remember THE GHOST
Dave Sadowski 19th November 2007 Comment left on 19 November 2007 at 04:31 by Dave Sadowski
Dave Sadowski 19th November 2007 Comment left on 19 November 2007 at 04:31 by Dave Sadowski
I used to work on the 58 with Ali MacInnes, I remember Dave, Ron and the Ghost, I'm working with Ali again twenty odd years later. I heard the Barge Engineer Harry had passed away some time ago. Surprised to hear so many familiar names after so long. Anyone remember "beets"?
best regards to all for 2008, John Brown (Buckie) Comment left on 08 December 2007 at 17:57 by John Brown
best regards to all for 2008, John Brown (Buckie) Comment left on 08 December 2007 at 17:57 by John Brown
Hi Dave,
Some other names that come to mind Tom Caine the crane op, Eddie Hall Crane op, The Womble Canadian Assit Driller, Glenn Mowell Rig super, The one and only Bill Pinn rig super, John Sim Roughneck, John Cnl Blink wired up electrician, Dave and Willie from production the Bothy Balladeers, (I've never liked McFarlain and thats a .....) Irish Pat asst watchstander, Dr Diesel motorman, Andy Divers Watchstander, Bill Troup roughneck, Duncan MacDonald watchstander, Ronnie Corsar Barge Engineer, Harry Clark Barge Engineer, Paul Daigle (was he supposed to be OIM?) BiscuitHeed, Alec the welder, Robbie the welder, Manuel Lamas, Tony Rovenko toolpushers, Charlie and Ray Sclater Production, John Moir Hamilton Rep, Malcolm Menkin Hamilton Rep, Alec Bolton Leroy McKinzie, Jim White Drillers. John Allun 'Scouce' one time Campboss made Driller, Crombie the welder made Driller, Joe Whittle watchstander, Charie Beatie Motorman, Marcus Nichols Asst Watchstander, all but a few that come to mind.
John Brown and myself keep bumping into each other starting in the North Sea Rig 140 and 135, Equatorial Guinea West Africa on the Aleutian Key and in the wilds of Newfoundland on the Grand Banks.
All the best to all the old crew of the 58.
Alistair MacInnes (Ali Mac) Watchstander and Barge Engineer on the 58 1975 - 1987 Comment left on 08 December 2007 at 23:04 by Alistair MacInnes
Some other names that come to mind Tom Caine the crane op, Eddie Hall Crane op, The Womble Canadian Assit Driller, Glenn Mowell Rig super, The one and only Bill Pinn rig super, John Sim Roughneck, John Cnl Blink wired up electrician, Dave and Willie from production the Bothy Balladeers, (I've never liked McFarlain and thats a .....) Irish Pat asst watchstander, Dr Diesel motorman, Andy Divers Watchstander, Bill Troup roughneck, Duncan MacDonald watchstander, Ronnie Corsar Barge Engineer, Harry Clark Barge Engineer, Paul Daigle (was he supposed to be OIM?) BiscuitHeed, Alec the welder, Robbie the welder, Manuel Lamas, Tony Rovenko toolpushers, Charlie and Ray Sclater Production, John Moir Hamilton Rep, Malcolm Menkin Hamilton Rep, Alec Bolton Leroy McKinzie, Jim White Drillers. John Allun 'Scouce' one time Campboss made Driller, Crombie the welder made Driller, Joe Whittle watchstander, Charie Beatie Motorman, Marcus Nichols Asst Watchstander, all but a few that come to mind.
John Brown and myself keep bumping into each other starting in the North Sea Rig 140 and 135, Equatorial Guinea West Africa on the Aleutian Key and in the wilds of Newfoundland on the Grand Banks.
All the best to all the old crew of the 58.
Alistair MacInnes (Ali Mac) Watchstander and Barge Engineer on the 58 1975 - 1987 Comment left on 08 December 2007 at 23:04 by Alistair MacInnes
Hello every one, I remember the TW-58 very well. I was the Stewart & Stevenson service man that was there for the work at Teeside to bringiing the wells on line in I thought July of 75 when we had CBS TV out there. I remember Malcolm Menkin, Eddie Hall (who put me on many boats with the billy Pugh, Tony Rovenko(I actually worked with him again in the Straights of Magellan in 81), Harry Clark
Good to hear from everyone Comment left on 16 March 2008 at 03:19 by Lynn Cardiff
Good to hear from everyone Comment left on 16 March 2008 at 03:19 by Lynn Cardiff
Ahoy shipmates from Paul (scouse) Heald, diver Comex Aberdeen on the 58 round 75/ 76 with R C Ledford diver, Mick Hindmarsh of global diving. I'd be glad to hear from any of the boys on 0114 2368210.
Comment left on 16 June 2008 at 19:18 by Paul (scouse) Heald
Hi, I was on the 58 in early 80's, Paul " Nam " Daigle and Steve" the Rev" Davis, were OIM'S. Worked as Steward with Universal, Camp Boss at time was Slavatore Di Pasquale. Then we got Sammi Arbid, I Remember Big Harry, and Manuel Lammas well, crane op Bob Chisolm as well. Not to Mention Ex Steward turned roustabout "Scouse" and Mike the medic, also Andy Divvers, Stalwart of the Criterion Bar. I moved on to Sedco 714 then Pentagone 84 before being made redundant in 86 during the slump. I have good memories of those times, especially the culture shock of going from the 58's 4 man cabins to the 714's two man en suite jobs, still it makes the man eh !
Comment left on 29 June 2008 at 14:21 by Jim McGladrigan
Quote Ronald Young on 19 March 2006
"The rig on the barges is the North Sea Pioneer, she used to be called the Transworld 58 and she was i think the first ever semi submersible to come into the Cromarty firth. The other rig along side is the Ocean Alliance and she is bridged to the quayside by JP Knights Khensu crane barge. The other rig that appears to be running anchors is either the Sta Dive or the Sta Drill I think."
Aye the other rig was indeed the Stadrill (soon to become the Smedvig West Stadrill). I was working nightshift on it (hoist op') when Piper Alpha went up. Comment left on 06 July 2008 at 21:07 by Fraser Gray
"The rig on the barges is the North Sea Pioneer, she used to be called the Transworld 58 and she was i think the first ever semi submersible to come into the Cromarty firth. The other rig along side is the Ocean Alliance and she is bridged to the quayside by JP Knights Khensu crane barge. The other rig that appears to be running anchors is either the Sta Dive or the Sta Drill I think."
Aye the other rig was indeed the Stadrill (soon to become the Smedvig West Stadrill). I was working nightshift on it (hoist op') when Piper Alpha went up. Comment left on 06 July 2008 at 21:07 by Fraser Gray
I hope you all doing fine out there, I never went back offshore so where ever you are I often think about the 58 - we were the real North Sea tigers.
Comment left on 10 July 2008 at 22:04 by Ron Corsar
I'm amazed in coming across such memories, I'm in the process of researching some data for a sub sea presentation and indeed worked on the TW58 in the summer of 1977 with Expro. I remember the Ghost & Ray and Chalie Sclater. Also on board was Jimmy Buchanan (Hamilton Bros Rep) Bob Black & Tommy Largue (both now deceased I'm informed) A great bunch of guys and real pioneering days !!
Comment left on 11 July 2008 at 15:45 by Callum Munro
Hi guys, found this site by chance. Great to hear all the old names again from the Transworld 58. I was Radio Operator from 1979-1984 then on Deepsea Pioneer from 1984-1992 on the good old Argyll Field. Yes indeed, 24th November 1981 was a night to remember - this is now my 30th year offshore but I have yet to see another storm like that one. All the best to the guys out there - sadly some of our old friends have passed away, but I do bump into others, recently working with Alec Bolton on the Ensco 102 and still keep in touch with Kieran Slattery/Medic, best wishes - Alastair Rhind from Forres
Comment left on 18 July 2008 at 02:07 by Alastair Rhind
I'd like to get in touch with Joe Whittle. He was barge Op on TW58.
Comment left on 20 July 2008 at 12:09 by Ron Corsar
The North Sea Pioneer is currently sitting off the port of Sekondi / Takoradi in Ghana. Using Google Earth you can zoom quite close in - it's looking quite sorry for itself now.
Comment left on 31 July 2008 at 15:22 by John Lindsay
Good to see some of the old names involved On the 58, first rig i was on. Reconize a few of the names. How about John o Donnel, Eric beumont, JR and the Kieth mafia and the infamous BOODA. Where are they all now? This was in the early 80s.
Comment left on 07 August 2008 at 10:23 by Ivor McDonald
When rummaging thru a flea market, I found a royal delft plate depicting Transworld-Rig 58. The plate was made in 1966 and has a diameter of 5.5 inches. Does anyone have the answer to the following questions?
What is significant about 1966 in the history of Transworld-Rig 58? What do the initials KM, PS, NDSM, and GN stand for? Any additional information is appreciated.
Frits Dekort, E-Mail: [email protected] Comment left on 05 January 2009 at 13:35 by Frits Dekort
What is significant about 1966 in the history of Transworld-Rig 58? What do the initials KM, PS, NDSM, and GN stand for? Any additional information is appreciated.
Frits Dekort, E-Mail: [email protected] Comment left on 05 January 2009 at 13:35 by Frits Dekort
Hi There, I can tell you that the TW 58 was built in 1966 so the plate is probably a comemorative one.
cheers Comment left on 06 January 2009 at 14:26 by Dave Sadowski
cheers Comment left on 06 January 2009 at 14:26 by Dave Sadowski
I still am wondering what the initials KM, PS, NDSM, and GN stand for. I found NDSM online and it said that is the place that it was made in Amsterdam. The other initials I could not find.
Comment left on 09 January 2009 at 12:02 by Frits Dekort
Hi again, I would yhink that KM stands for KERR McGEE.That was the parent company that owned Transworld Drilling, I think that they majored in uranium mining, they had a fair few rigs and I believe that Transworld were thr first ever company to drill offshore. For Kerr McGEE see the film THE KAREN SILKWOOD AFFAIR. Good luck
Comment left on 09 January 2009 at 22:08 by .David Sadowski
Just found this by accident. I started as a roustabout on the TW58 in the summer of 1977 and I stayed there for a year before moving to a rig that actually drilled. I remember Tom the crane op, Diesel John and Bhudda the motormen. Tony Revenko and Manuel Lammas the pushers. I worked with Bill Pinn, Jimmy Lynch, Chuck Keenan, Neil Mochan. I remember the Ghost (Alan Will?) and Simon whose dad ran Bellview Zoo. 'Freefall Franklin' .... what a man!
Comment left on 06 November 2009 at 18:07 by Tommy Adams
I also found this site by pure chance. I worked on TW58 during 1979 and part of 1980 when it was operating on Argyll with "Hamilton Brothers" and "Dover Oil & Gas." I was on duty that Christmas and New Year. I was a roustabout and then a roughneck, I remember John Sim, Ricky, Crombie the welder, Manuel Lamas, Keith, and Bob. I was also on duty the night of the tragedy when the Alexander Kielland capsized in Norwegian waters not far from Argyll and our support boats participated to the rescue operations, it was March 1980. After that tragedy we were sent with TW58 to Haugesund in Norway for major repairs. After the North Sea I went to South America, got married and then I joined the United Nations in Africa, South America and the Middle East, I am still with the UN in the Peacekeeping Operations in Liberia.
Comment left on 17 February 2010 at 15:29 by Andrea Tamagnini
Well well, Andrea Tamagnini, you are the guy that taught me how to ask for a pint of heavy beer at my pub but in Italian, I also got your roughnecks job when you quit. How does working for the UN compare to roughnecking for Lee Roy McKinzie, I was sorry to see you leave the 58 all those years ago, I was hoping to learn more Italian from you.
Comment left on 19 February 2010 at 21:44 by David Sadowski
Hope you are all fine. Tom Kane passed away a few years ago and a friend I kept up with died two years ago, he came from Fraserburugh - Alistair Cruickshank - we came out of Rotterdam together on tow as a drilling rig, March 1973.
Comment left on 20 February 2010 at 10:44 by Ron Corsar
I have some photos of TW58 and its crew in 1980. Can we upload them?
Editor's note: this isn't really the place as this is a site about the town of Cromarty - try Oilrig Photos instead. They use the same software as this site and are delighted to get any pics. Comment left on 28 February 2010 at 00:07 by Andrea Tamagnini
Editor's note: this isn't really the place as this is a site about the town of Cromarty - try Oilrig Photos instead. They use the same software as this site and are delighted to get any pics. Comment left on 28 February 2010 at 00:07 by Andrea Tamagnini
Directed to this site by my son, working as a geologist at present in the Norwegian sector. I was with Hamilton Bros 1975 to 1977 as Marine Supervisor/Act Marine Super. Although not based on TW58, visited many times. I don't recall many names but Hamilton Production Supervisors were Malcolm Menkin with his carved coconut, Tom ???
and Jimmy Buchanan transfered from Expro to Hamilton payroll very smoothly, Jimmy was a qualified Marine Engineer useful to have offshore.
I boarded TW58 from dive-support vessel Smit LLoyd 112 after wx shut down repair work on SBM on 3rd Jan 1976. During the early hours of 4th Jan
I think it was 4 weather anchors that carried away leaving TW58 lying to 1 weather anchor, it was about 0800hrs when the order to don lifejackets was given. No evacution was planned or set up due to the severity of the wx which had grounded all helicopters. When the weather moderated to allow helicopter flights to resume, a large German Salvage tug was steaming to the Argyll field. I spoke to Smit LLoyd 45 or 47 during the morning of the 4th asking how the sea state was, the answer given was "Tony we are all ( SB Safety trawler, Smit LLoyd 45 or 47, Smit LLoyd 112) struggling wave height 60, 80 or 100 feet it does not matter. I think it was late afternoon on 5th when the German Salvage Tug arrived and passed a line to the 58 and held us in position until we had subsided enough to recover and re-run the weather anchors. A little aside to the sheerlegs incident my particular friend Capt Cor Boss of Smit LLoyd was in command of either 45 or 47 waiting to take the pump on board and yes his reaction was swift he didn't think it was a good idea to have an object fall from that height onto his deck. Capt Boss and his crew were convinced there were casualties as they observed "blood" dripping from under the sheerlegs into the sea. If my memory serves me well a locker containing red paint was crushed by the sheerlegs, thus the "blood". Two Greek Tankers were used to ferry oil ashore namely "Theogenitor" and "Leonidas".
Oreegis/Couplier 1, the ex ore carrier, Ws used as a work barge many times during my two years. Many happy memories of pushing the boundaries of Technology back especially when told by the multi-nationals 'That will not work" Picking up pipe off sea bed, flanging and setting back down from the back of a supply boat and not a kink in sight Pity there are no small family companies in the industry any more. Comment left on 18 February 2011 at 20:05 by Tony Bartley
and Jimmy Buchanan transfered from Expro to Hamilton payroll very smoothly, Jimmy was a qualified Marine Engineer useful to have offshore.
I boarded TW58 from dive-support vessel Smit LLoyd 112 after wx shut down repair work on SBM on 3rd Jan 1976. During the early hours of 4th Jan
I think it was 4 weather anchors that carried away leaving TW58 lying to 1 weather anchor, it was about 0800hrs when the order to don lifejackets was given. No evacution was planned or set up due to the severity of the wx which had grounded all helicopters. When the weather moderated to allow helicopter flights to resume, a large German Salvage tug was steaming to the Argyll field. I spoke to Smit LLoyd 45 or 47 during the morning of the 4th asking how the sea state was, the answer given was "Tony we are all ( SB Safety trawler, Smit LLoyd 45 or 47, Smit LLoyd 112) struggling wave height 60, 80 or 100 feet it does not matter. I think it was late afternoon on 5th when the German Salvage Tug arrived and passed a line to the 58 and held us in position until we had subsided enough to recover and re-run the weather anchors. A little aside to the sheerlegs incident my particular friend Capt Cor Boss of Smit LLoyd was in command of either 45 or 47 waiting to take the pump on board and yes his reaction was swift he didn't think it was a good idea to have an object fall from that height onto his deck. Capt Boss and his crew were convinced there were casualties as they observed "blood" dripping from under the sheerlegs into the sea. If my memory serves me well a locker containing red paint was crushed by the sheerlegs, thus the "blood". Two Greek Tankers were used to ferry oil ashore namely "Theogenitor" and "Leonidas".
Oreegis/Couplier 1, the ex ore carrier, Ws used as a work barge many times during my two years. Many happy memories of pushing the boundaries of Technology back especially when told by the multi-nationals 'That will not work" Picking up pipe off sea bed, flanging and setting back down from the back of a supply boat and not a kink in sight Pity there are no small family companies in the industry any more. Comment left on 18 February 2011 at 20:05 by Tony Bartley
I was working for Rig blast on the TW58. we flew out in rough weather the night the anchors snapped. The weather was unbelievable. We were flown to Stavanger then to Christiansand that afternoon. We were flown back to Aberdeen the next day. The rig was towed into the Firth off Methyl. Spent new years eve on board bout mile off the town, swore i could hear them singing. We had to shot blast every weld on legs for inspection. Stayed on board when she was towed back to the well-head. Yes. a night i will never forget.
Steve Foster. Comment left on 26 April 2011 at 23:18 by Steve Foster
Steve Foster. Comment left on 26 April 2011 at 23:18 by Steve Foster
I Worked on the TW 58 1974 to 1975. Did the refit in Middlesburgh (memories of the Bongo Club). I was a barge operator alongside Bob Whetton the other Barge operator.
I remember Phil Smith,barge master. Other guys were Adam Scott (Adam Mudder Fu--er), Ian Sangster (fancy pants), Buddah, John Mc Curly, Glen Mowel, Harry (synoptic situation ) Clark.
I still have my oil sample from the first days production (complete with koomey fluid ). Oh also a 16" shifter I nicked when we were at the Middlesborough refit. I remember there was hardly a sauce bottle left on the rig as everybody rushed around to get samples from various leaks on deck. Had some really great times on that rig and have uncovered a load of photographs that have been lying in my loft for over 30 years undeveloped. Got them developed last month and they have all come out - amazing. Will post them on OILRIG PHOTOS as suggested previously if possible.
I'm still working offshore on the Stena Spey as Hydraulic Engineer. Aye, still up and doon the derrick a few times a day - nae problem. Alongside me is John Ingles who is motorman on here and also worked on the TW 58 after I left. Tom Burns was another guy on TW58 (motorman) he came to Houlder Drilling with me on the Dundee Kingsnorth. We both live in Broughty Ferry but sadly Tom passed away a couple of years ago. We did lots of day time pints in Broughty Ferry where I live and was known as Teapot Tom when he was on the Dundee Kingsnorth.
While I was on the TW58, myself ,Bob Whetton and Phil Smith bought a sailing boat called Freetrader and sailed it from the Hamble up to Edinburgh. Oh, Bob Whetton is still around working as Sub Sea Engineer. Worked with him on the Stena Spey in Olin, Norway during a refit a couple of years ago.
Dave (Groucho) Spalding Comment left on 02 June 2011 at 16:52 by Dave Spalding (alias GROUCHO)
I remember Phil Smith,barge master. Other guys were Adam Scott (Adam Mudder Fu--er), Ian Sangster (fancy pants), Buddah, John Mc Curly, Glen Mowel, Harry (synoptic situation ) Clark.
I still have my oil sample from the first days production (complete with koomey fluid ). Oh also a 16" shifter I nicked when we were at the Middlesborough refit. I remember there was hardly a sauce bottle left on the rig as everybody rushed around to get samples from various leaks on deck. Had some really great times on that rig and have uncovered a load of photographs that have been lying in my loft for over 30 years undeveloped. Got them developed last month and they have all come out - amazing. Will post them on OILRIG PHOTOS as suggested previously if possible.
I'm still working offshore on the Stena Spey as Hydraulic Engineer. Aye, still up and doon the derrick a few times a day - nae problem. Alongside me is John Ingles who is motorman on here and also worked on the TW 58 after I left. Tom Burns was another guy on TW58 (motorman) he came to Houlder Drilling with me on the Dundee Kingsnorth. We both live in Broughty Ferry but sadly Tom passed away a couple of years ago. We did lots of day time pints in Broughty Ferry where I live and was known as Teapot Tom when he was on the Dundee Kingsnorth.
While I was on the TW58, myself ,Bob Whetton and Phil Smith bought a sailing boat called Freetrader and sailed it from the Hamble up to Edinburgh. Oh, Bob Whetton is still around working as Sub Sea Engineer. Worked with him on the Stena Spey in Olin, Norway during a refit a couple of years ago.
Dave (Groucho) Spalding Comment left on 02 June 2011 at 16:52 by Dave Spalding (alias GROUCHO)
Happy, happy days! That is the only way to express my thoughts of my North Sea Pioneer service on the Crawford Field during the 1980's. The previous entries are very interesting with references to only two peop;e I hold in great regard - the two and only Sclater Brothers. What a history for such a small rig but it has certainly made its mark in the world's oil history. I last saw her in Angola where I worked with Texaco on Lombo East. It was great to meet up with her crew while I was waiting in Luanda for my chopper to go to Lombo East. That flight took us over the NSP's location.
Hamilton's were by far the best company I was associated with in my career as they were frightened of nothing and the word 'Pioneer' was most appropriate as they embodied a true pioneering spirit.
It would be great to hear from some of my old buddies who served at the same time.
I am now living in Sarawak, Malaysia enjoying my retirement immensely.
Happy Days. Comment left on 13 August 2011 at 14:55 by Ian M. Carter
Hamilton's were by far the best company I was associated with in my career as they were frightened of nothing and the word 'Pioneer' was most appropriate as they embodied a true pioneering spirit.
It would be great to hear from some of my old buddies who served at the same time.
I am now living in Sarawak, Malaysia enjoying my retirement immensely.
Happy Days. Comment left on 13 August 2011 at 14:55 by Ian M. Carter
Interesting stuff. I was never on Rig 58 but I worked with Phil Smith, Tony Revenko, Manuel Llamas and Harry Clark on Rig 61 in the 70's before they went to Rig 58.
Comment left on 12 September 2011 at 05:07 by Neville Aitken
Hi everyone, am sitting here at home on a very stormy night, 24th November 2011, 30 years to the day since our famous 'breakaway' on TW58. It seems a very long time ago now but memories are as fresh as ever. A night to remember, best wishes to all who remember that night and sadly friends who are no longer with us.
Alastair Rhind - Ferranti Radio Operator Comment left on 24 November 2011 at 19:47 by Alastair Rhind
Alastair Rhind - Ferranti Radio Operator Comment left on 24 November 2011 at 19:47 by Alastair Rhind
It was quite a night, wasn't it!
Comment left on 25 November 2011 at 06:13 by Alistair MacInnes
Comment left on 25 November 2011 at 06:13 by Alistair MacInnes
Aye it was a wild one for sure. Peter Bell and I shook hands just inside the sack room, the door was open and the sea was howling over the moonpool area where we had just ran in from with Tony Huffer and Lee Roy Mckinzie after we tried to save some of the winches from breaking but not a chance in hell. We thought that this was it we would not see the day coming as it was so ferocious for a while. All the best to all that sailed on the old tub.
Comment left on 25 November 2011 at 08:16 by David Sadowski
Hi all. If I'm not mistaken we had a request aired on radio one the morning after whilst still adrift, for "I am sailing" by Rod. Also not to look a gift horse in the mouth we ate all the good steaks and prawns before the Camp boss came back onboard. Tommy did the cooking I think. Good luck to you all.
Comment left on 27 December 2011 at 20:13 by Steve Jenkins
Does anybody have anymore information on John Moir? Location etc? I've been trying to find him for months and this is the first website I've heard anything about him :)
Comment left on 22 February 2012 at 19:28 by Jamie Anderson
hi i have never seen the site befor but have driven my kids crazy with storays of my time on the 58 i am still the proud oner of the glasstanked i got for 10 years on board and the pen that onlonger works. all the names and faces come back to life i herd no mension of marckes ,the cheif ,JD ,or jack clark ,or duncan .really pleased to come across the site.ron give us a call if you see this
sid say hi to peter for me , hi ali. Comment left on 05 March 2012 at 14:44 by Joseph Whittle
sid say hi to peter for me , hi ali. Comment left on 05 March 2012 at 14:44 by Joseph Whittle
hi if eny one out there has herd from sam walthall since the 80s give me a call. sam if you see this my wrighting still comes out the same as the logs on the 58.
Comment left on 05 March 2012 at 17:29 by Joseph Whittle
Understand Jack Clark passed away last year.
Comment left on 06 March 2012 at 17:03 by Neville Aitken
to joe whittle - give me a call on 07891976043 be great to hear from you. are you in facebook?
Comment left on 06 March 2012 at 21:53 by Ron Corsar
Does anybody remember John O,Donell, Boots Bolton, Jim Riddich? I think JR is working in China, if you get this Jim let's know. ivor (black mac) and stu duncan are workin doon there as well.
Comment left on 08 March 2012 at 04:06 by Ivor mcdonald
Hi All, great to see all the familiar names. I was Barge Master on TW Rig 61.
Hi Nevil, Do you remember the time you picked up just one end of the TW 61 lifeboat and Tony Revenko, who was one of the 3 men in the boat, got more than a little mad? I’m sorry to hear Jack Clark passed on. So did Jim Calvert. And Bob Daharsh
Jim More still lives in Aberdeen. I worked with Tony again in Tasmania in 1981. Comment left on 09 April 2012 at 16:47 by Jamie McCuish
Hi Nevil, Do you remember the time you picked up just one end of the TW 61 lifeboat and Tony Revenko, who was one of the 3 men in the boat, got more than a little mad? I’m sorry to hear Jack Clark passed on. So did Jim Calvert. And Bob Daharsh
Jim More still lives in Aberdeen. I worked with Tony again in Tasmania in 1981. Comment left on 09 April 2012 at 16:47 by Jamie McCuish
Hey Jamie - I certainly do remember that. I still laugh about it. When I told Daharsh he was eating dinner in the Atlantic and I thought he would choke, he laughed so hard. Didn't know that Daharsh & Calvert had gone. I heard Bill Carson passed away. Cannot confirm that, but pretty sure. Good to see you are still around. By the way, heard from Nick Horsburgh.
Comment left on 13 April 2012 at 16:50 by Neville Aitken
My name is Claude Boyer now 58 years old and living in Canada. I was a COMEX Diver on board TW58 in Nov 1977. I just heard from Terry Gosling yesterday by e-mail from Scotland. He was also aboard as Comex Diver in 1976-77.
I trained with R.C. Leadford in California at CDC in 1974 before we came across to Aberdeen. Looking for others from COMEX and TW58! (Known by us as 'Stalag 58' because of diesel water in shower and Coffee - worst coffee in the North Sea!) Comment left on 19 April 2012 at 17:57 by Claude Boyer
I trained with R.C. Leadford in California at CDC in 1974 before we came across to Aberdeen. Looking for others from COMEX and TW58! (Known by us as 'Stalag 58' because of diesel water in shower and Coffee - worst coffee in the North Sea!) Comment left on 19 April 2012 at 17:57 by Claude Boyer
I started my offshore career on the TW 58 on the 6th June 1981 firstly in production then maintenance and back to production and went from the Argyll field to the Innes when the Deep Sea Pioneer took over.It went off station at xmas 1988.I rejoined on the Crawford field under the new name of North Sea Pioneer in mid 1989 and stayed for about a year before joining Chevron. I could write quite an entertaining book about my experiences on the TW 58.It was a happy tub. Doug Haggart.
Comment left on 30 April 2012 at 18:24 by Doug Haggart
Does anyone remember Denis Ryan from Ireland worked as a chef on board, just like to hear some stories about him!
Comment left on 21 September 2012 at 13:00 by Jason Ryan
Can someone tell me the weight of the rig as at the time it was manufactured?
Comment left on 21 March 2014 at 11:15 by Bless
I have not visited this site for sometime I am well into retirement now dog walking looking after grandson and gardening hope you all well and in good health to all who worked on tw58
Comment left on 05 December 2014 at 21:41 by Ron Corsar
HI. Bless, This may be of no help at all. The 58 had a dismantlement of 14830 ston at an proportional draft of 74 ft 6 in. I could probable find with a bit of looking.
Hi Ronnie. Congratulation on the grandson. Is James still playing rugby?. Enjoy your retirement you worked hard for it .
All the best to any one out there that was on the 58.
Comment left on 16 December 2014 at 22:36 by Joseph Whittle
Hi Ronnie. Congratulation on the grandson. Is James still playing rugby?. Enjoy your retirement you worked hard for it .
All the best to any one out there that was on the 58.
Comment left on 16 December 2014 at 22:36 by Joseph Whittle
I was in and out of Cromarty Firth around the time this pic was taken ( on Sedco 700 at the time). I have a picture of her before she went in alongside - still with Transworld 58 painted on her, and another once she was converted and ready to go back out as a producer.
Comment left on 22 December 2014 at 18:34 by David Murdoch
Remember clearly the day we got evacuated from the nsp in the late 80s we had snapped most of our anchors on the north side of the rig and we were going like a rollercoaster. Just as we were taking off we got hit by a massive wave we all thought we were going down but thanks to a very experienced pilot we made it. Had some of the best days ever on her.
Comment left on 04 February 2016 at 15:21 by George Watson
I was a baby diver with Comex on the TW58 in the Argyle field before and after the conversion to a production platform. Stu Allen was dive supt , Rowdy Yeats supv. Would be glad to hear from any other divers from those days.
Comment left on 18 April 2016 at 17:49 by Colin Beard
Comment left on 18 April 2016 at 17:49 by Colin Beard
My partner Alisdair Milton was chief electron trans world 58 back in 81. Does any one remember him?
Comment left on 27 April 2016 at 20:16 by Fiona Forsyth
My father Kenneth Engle "Chief" was on TW58 in 1966 when it was originally built and was on her in Angola then in 1973 he was on her to be converted to work in the North Sea and then was on her when the she was converted to floating production which she was the first and then he was on her when she broke free in 1981 as he was the OIM on board and was directing the cutting of the remaining anchors to avoid hitting production bouy. Anyway he is deceased as of May of 1990 and I carried on with the tradition working for Transword and then with Noble for 35 years. I worked with a lot of my dads co-workers and have a lot of great memories of the places we worked and lived in.
Comment left on 20 July 2016 at 18:54 by JEFFREY ENGLE
Another year passes, now 35 years ago today since the TW58 broke free.
It still only seems like yesterday.
I guess those of us still around are a little more grey in the head.
Best wishes to all.
Alastair Rhind, I was Radio Operator onboard that night. Comment left on 24 November 2016 at 10:47 by Alastair Rhind
It still only seems like yesterday.
I guess those of us still around are a little more grey in the head.
Best wishes to all.
Alastair Rhind, I was Radio Operator onboard that night. Comment left on 24 November 2016 at 10:47 by Alastair Rhind
Best wishes to all who worked on tw 58 I am still plugging along with grandchildren and a dog to walk 69 years old where did time go merry xmas and a happy new year to all where ever you are.
Comment left on 30 November 2016 at 12:38 by Roncorsar
Hi to all of you north see tigers l have just had a read of these Emails and it has brought me back to my youth,DR diesel John Sim Dogie Stevens Brian and Ray Patterson,l wonder if Ally MacInnes is still drawing crosses coming out from trees,and you Tommy you must be gutted after the passing of Rick Parfait,how are you pal.Jimmy Lynch
Comment left on 22 February 2017 at 13:19 by Jimmy Lynch
Hello to all TW58 workers my name is Walter Latiolais Sr.I was Installation Manager on rig 58 for two years 1973to75 my first 4 months plus converting her to becoming a floaer drilling rig this was done in Rottardam ship yard. After the conversion we drilled wells for The Hailton Brothers in the Vikan area North of the Sheitons. While we were in that in that area we had 4 major storms the wind gage peged out at 100 ph one of the stormes a piggy back anchor broke and the shook for like 10 minutes. After that storm the rig felt unstable I had the divers go down and check the colums they found crack in most of the columes. I called Jim Balcom the Manager in Aberdeen and relayed the findings to him he said to call for a tug to tow the rig in to Edinburgh.My two year contract ended while while there. We lived in Peterculter while there I had the company sponser a soccer team I hah uniforms made red white and blue for our team I can't remember all my teams name Phil Smith Jim Robert the top players they made me team captain mainly because I was their boss really wasn't much of a soccer player. Tony Revenko worked with me for two years 1968 1970 By the way I made the age of 90 this past year. God Bless all who survived the Mighty RIG 58.
Comment left on 05 March 2017 at 22:49 by Walter J Latiolais Sr.
I worked on the TW58 back in 73 when HSE was just a dream and the show was run by high paid Americans given a work permit by the labor government. So many stories about the place and people.
Comment left on 13 June 2017 at 12:31 by Kevin Martyn.
I helped strip down the rig pumps on the TW58 when we lifted the pump over the port aft leg prior to the stiff leg as we use to call it ripped up from the deck. You have to take into account that HSE and safety was a "pie in the sky" dream. The stiff leg was not even bolted through a beam and in fact was just welded to the deck! Fact.
Comment left on 14 June 2017 at 10:34 by Kevin Martyn.
I was ordered!!! to paint the moon pool area with white paint using a spray gun (never used a spray gun in my life before, but at 18 yrs young did not care) I recall it was windy and heavy raining and night time! In daylight it looked such a mess! Ha,Ha. The mentality of the "Prima-donna"-supervisors dictated that we were NOT allowed to question back in the mid 70s- Utter Madness!!!!!
Comment left on 21 June 2017 at 10:31 by Kevin Martyn.
Yeah. I remember the screw up with the diesel in the 'Pot Water" tank and how pure diesel came through the showers and everything tasted of diesel after that for a very long time. Also I recall the infestation of cockroaches in the galley area and how they were just everywhere!
Comment left on 21 June 2017 at 10:39 by Kevin Martyn.
I recall being taking into the changing room by the TW company rep on board to discuss the presence of 'Union Representatives" that had been allowed on the TW-58 to enlist offshore workers into the TGWU union. In the early 70s and told that if I joined the "Union" that I would be sacked by Transworld!Mm..You have to take into account the UK government in power, the contractors and Oil Companies in the 70s did NOT want unions in the North Sea!
Comment left on 23 June 2017 at 03:34 by Kevin Martyn.
I was working on the TW#58 and on Anchor Watch in January 1976 when the anchor chains broke. I remember it being an eerie experience at the time. I looked out of the window and saw a wall/wave of water (90ft+ high) coming towards the anchor lookout and me. OMG....Anyway the wave came over the top of me, the rig went down and back up, at which stage there was a loud bang and the chain broke! I remember someone asking me on the speaker now dripping from sea water "if i was OK" (maybe it was Ron but cannot remember)...I said NO and basically ran for my life along the cat walk and past the moon pool area..I left TW#58 soon after in Sept 76 joining Atlantic Drilling as a floor Hand!Last real job in 2016 was as a Operations Drilling Superintendent. Now sitting with the ranks of unemployed or unemployable at 62 years young..
Comment left on 23 June 2017 at 03:51 by Kevin Martyn.
I already made comments above. I'd like to add my e-mail address [email protected] would like to hear from any one that worked TW58 the year 1973 1975.
Comment left on 24 June 2017 at 19:05 by Walter J Latiolais Sr.
I remember you Walter you always had a blue boiler suit on had trouble with your shoulder played soccer against tw 61 and Aberdeen doctors a good laugh milltimber ground we were drinking beer at half time the other team on the oranges.
Comment left on 28 June 2017 at 11:56 by Ron Corsar
You have a good memory Kevin Martyn.
Comment left on 28 June 2017 at 12:00 by Ron Corsar
I spent a little bit of time on the 58 in I think 1976 or 77. We uprated the dive system just prior to some minister of energy making a visit The rig was tidied up and lots of painting was done prior to the visit, white tablecloths on the tables and all that. One memory I have was the diesel contaminated fresh water tanks, you come out of the shower clean-ish but smelling not so nicely of diesel.
The Comex diving bell winch had two emergency systems for use if the electric drive motor failed, the fist system was an air driven motor but the second system was a manual cranking handle, no joking. Comment left on 06 December 2017 at 10:00 by Jim Leslie
The Comex diving bell winch had two emergency systems for use if the electric drive motor failed, the fist system was an air driven motor but the second system was a manual cranking handle, no joking. Comment left on 06 December 2017 at 10:00 by Jim Leslie
Hi Jim,
I was on her at the same time in '77, I never forgot the taste of the Diesel, that's one thing the French guys did not tolerate! The same thing happened on SANDOKAN with the High Pressure system backing in Diesel into the drinking Water!
Only they had Bottle Water flown in by Helicopter!
They were smarter than us in those days, they learned real quick when it came to their food and water. Comment left on 08 December 2017 at 21:01 by Claude Boyer Anciens COMEX #297
I was on her at the same time in '77, I never forgot the taste of the Diesel, that's one thing the French guys did not tolerate! The same thing happened on SANDOKAN with the High Pressure system backing in Diesel into the drinking Water!
Only they had Bottle Water flown in by Helicopter!
They were smarter than us in those days, they learned real quick when it came to their food and water. Comment left on 08 December 2017 at 21:01 by Claude Boyer Anciens COMEX #297
With all the rigs that I've been on over the years around this world the'Transworld 58" stands out the best and I can only put that down to the people that worked on it. Yes! I know it was my "1st Rig" ever that I went to work on in the North Sea! Yes I remember so many things that i did. (Painting the moon pool area with white paint and making a "Total balls up of the paint job"-come-on I had never used a HP 3000 PSI spray paint gun in my life before!!!!! Mm but they gave me my chance to shine but I failed at that job (Mind you was 100% better when I sprayed the legs (In the wind of coarse!)... Yeah...Remember the Diesel issue and the infestation of "Cockroaches" in the Galley too....
Comment left on 19 December 2017 at 05:26 by Kevin Martyn.
I went out to the TW58 in June 1997 as a roustabout. The plan was to work offshore until I had saved up £1000 to buy my mate's Lotus Elan. The offshore bug bit me hard and here I am still at it just over forty years later, but on the verge of retiral soon I think. Still never managed to save that £1000 !!!!
Comment left on 20 December 2017 at 10:15 by Tommy Adams
Woooops, (above post)I did mean 1977. Cheers Kevin.
Comment left on 14 January 2018 at 11:41 by Tommy Adams
Seems so funny now as I remember playing "Pong" on an Atari on Christmas Day. It seemed so great back in the 70s hitting a dot across the line on the screen. Also remember playing pool on board . Yes must have been one of the first pool tables on a floating rig. A large wave would hit the rig and all the balls would go down one pocket. Still it seemed fun at the time.
Comment left on 14 January 2018 at 19:09 by Kevin Martyn.
I worked on the TW58 form June 1980 through 1982. I was one of the crew air lifted that afternoon she broke loose, I was on Anchor watch out in one of the corner legs when all the gauges dropped off to zero confirming the chains had broke and was told to come back to the accommodation. We waited for hours before they arrived and flew us to Holland as the wind was so strong they could only go in one direction. It was a real bucket, 4 man crews. Snoring keeping me awake all. Fred the camp boss, was a Canadian who stayed on the rig for six months at one time the Stewards were all Spanish and would do one year hitches without leaving the rig. Wow 40 years ago....I remember the Tool Pusher Bill Pin was a rather eccentric guy. Alex (boots) Bolton taught me a lot.
Comment left on 13 October 2020 by Colin Donoghue
Even though I'm in Bangkok now but recall working on the TW58 vividly and if I'm correct was on her when she went for walk about in North Sea. OMG I was young but had some horrible and fun days on her....The crews were great and for sure some tough men!
Comment left on 16 October 2020 by Kevin Martyn
Just been told Jimmy Riddoch died yesterday in Thailand.He was some character on the 58.
Comment left on 06 April 2021 by David Sadowski
Andy Brown radio opp on the NSP passed away this week after a short illness Andy was a lovely man always up for a laugh rip Andy .
Comment left on 11 April 2021 by George watson
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