Cromarty Archive

Exploding Mines - c1945

Exploding Mines - c1945

Date Added: 23 March 2006 Contributor: Campbell Ross Year: 1945 Picture No: 1584

Exploding mines between the Sutors either during or after the war.


I wonder if this was the explosive charges on the boom net being discharged? Comment left on 14 April 2006 at 10:20 by Calum Davidson
In early 1942, 16 buoyant "L" Mark 2 mines were installed by the Royal Navy here. They were "controlled" mines detonated from shore at South Sutor. The mines were in four mine loops (of four mines each) and guarded by two guard loops about 1000 yds to the seaward side. These mines were probably detonated by the RN at the end of hostilities as it was sometimes too dangerous (and pointless) recovering them. Further information is on my website:
Comment left on 22 October 2008 at 00:04 by Dr Richard Walding, Griffith University, Australia
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