Campbell says" Date around mid 1960's. The yellow sailing dinghy in the middle was owned by Dennis Manson and crewed by Dennis and I. My father took the photo."
Albums: Galas and Regattas
1 Comment
That must be the only colour photo I've seen of "Fidget" Campbell. We had many good sailing days. If you remember we won two the races at Invergordon one year but they only gave us one cup. Apparently the officials had to appease the Findhorn boys or they wouldn't come back!! Do you remember the following year we went to the regatta at Invergordon. Ken McAuley took his boat as well and Sidney McLean sailed with him. However the regatta was cancelled and we all sailed back in a force 7 using jibs only. Pretty exciting as I recall down past Rosefarm and having to land round at the slaughterhouse as the west wind made huge waves in front of the hotel. Young and foolish but none of us had any money so couldn't stay over and no other way of getting home!!
Comment left on 24 March 2006 at 19:10 by Dennis Manson
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