Clem's Gang - 1949
Albums: People
Clem you missed out my sister Margaret Mackay! Sitting next to Artie.
Comment left on 28 March 2006 at 21:16 by Iris Winton
My sincere apologies Iris, Between Cathrine and Arty, is Margaret Mackay, Iris Mackay's sister.
Comment left on 28 March 2006 at 23:01 by Clem Watson
So it's official. My granda has ALWAYS been handsome.
He's handsome now, he looks especially handsome in that photo with the suit on, and he was handsome as a youngster.
I bet he made all the girls cry back in those days.
Goodie - Cromarty legend Comment left on 29 March 2006 at 00:44 by Greig
He's handsome now, he looks especially handsome in that photo with the suit on, and he was handsome as a youngster.
I bet he made all the girls cry back in those days.
Goodie - Cromarty legend Comment left on 29 March 2006 at 00:44 by Greig
Great to see my mother looking so young - I will have fun showing her when she comes home from oz. Donald Macivor.
Comment left on 15 February 2007 at 19:43 by Donald Macivor
hahahaha, i do love seeing my gran, happy as always don't you just love it!!! She always smiling hahaha.
Comment left on 17 June 2007 at 19:59 by David Owens
Is Billy Pringle the son of Bill and LaHoma Pringle? I think he could be. I lost touch with the Pringles, unhappily, in 1955. I want to know how they are.
Comment left on 27 October 2008 at 02:29 by Ione Weisberg Moran
Is Henry Leith still alive? He once lived at 5 Duke St. and recent visitors to Cromarty have ancestors who lived there, and these visitors are keen for information about the house.
Comment left on 11 August 2016 at 16:17 by Ruth MaGregor
Forget yesterday's stupid question! I have just realised who Henry is. I just didn't know his surname!
Comment left on 12 August 2016 at 09:51 by Ruth MaGregor
Form Goes Here
and here is the result.
Front row : L toR. Abu, Henry Leith, Jim Darkie.
Middle row : L to R. John Jack(former Coxn. Broughty LIfeboat), Billy Mackenzie, George Mackenzie, Goody Shepherd, Ross Mackay, & his brother Donald Mackay.
Back Row L to R. Billy Pringle, Cathrine Pringle, and Arty Mackenzie. Comment left on 28 March 2006 at 18:11 by Clem Watson