Cromarty Rose - bilge pump working overtime
About 10.00 on the night of 26th October. The Cromarty Rose ferry had taken on a lot of water from the storm crashing into the harbour, and the engine was started and run for several hours to try to pump her out. This was the only electrical light visible at the western end of the town due to power being lost between about 5.30pm and 2.00am.
Good example of the sky glow of wasted lighting energy from poorly designed streetlights above Invergordon, too.
Albums: The Sea
1 Comment
Actually Colin the steering compartment was flooded and under water by 5.30pm and the engines were run to put the boat slow astern to take strain of the one remaining stern line til others were made fast.
Comment left on 31 October 2006 at 00:09 by Ronald Young
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