Catherine Watson Mcleman & Family
Barbara says: "In the photo is my grandmother Catherine, second from the left, my uncle John beside her and at the far right my aunt Bella (not sure of her married name, it could be Skinner or Urquart). And I don't know if the man next to her is her husband. I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this for me."
"Catherine and Isabella's parents were John Watson and Elspet Hogg. When I was in Cromarty (1979 I think) I saw my Grandfather's headstone (erected by Catherine McLeman) in the churchyard (East Church?) - William McLeman (aged 54) drowned at sea with his son William (aged 19) in the year 1897."
Albums: People
I looked at my info on my website (that I haven't updated in a long time) and I do not have a spouse for Isabella MacLeman b. 1875 (daughter of William Watson MacLeman (1843-1897) and Catherine Watson (b. 1845). I will take a closer look at my info when I get home. (I am at school now).
Comment left on 30 November 2006 at 17:27 by Ian Roberts
According to the April 21 1881 census my grandparents William and Catherine (Watson) McLeman along with Hugh 13, (1868)- John 11, (1870)-Elsie 9, (1872) - Ann 8, (1873)- Bella 6, (1875) Alex and William 3, (1878) all lived at 2 - Gordon's Lane, Cromarty.
Comment left on 01 December 2006 at 12:56 by Barbara Tocher
On the far left (facing the photo) is my grand aunt Belle (never heard anyone call her Bella). I think the man next to her is a family friend but not sure. Then great grandma McLeman and grand uncle John (called Jack).
I know I've seen this photo before. Sorry, I can't remember who the other man was. Comment left on 30 March 2007 at 21:27 by Camilla Riera
I know I've seen this photo before. Sorry, I can't remember who the other man was. Comment left on 30 March 2007 at 21:27 by Camilla Riera
Camilla. I am curious to know where you saw the photo. Are any of them your relations? Thank you Barb Tocher
Comment left on 31 March 2007 at 00:40 by Barbara Tocher
Is this Camilla de Gerard (daughter of Skil de Gerard and Nellie MacLeman)?
I have Nellie MacLeman as the daughter of Hugh MacLeman and unknown unknown.
And Hugh MacLeman (b. May 14, 1867) is the son of William Watson MacLeman and Catherine Watson.
Comment left on 31 March 2007 at 22:31 by Ian Roberts
I have Nellie MacLeman as the daughter of Hugh MacLeman and unknown unknown.
And Hugh MacLeman (b. May 14, 1867) is the son of William Watson MacLeman and Catherine Watson.
Comment left on 31 March 2007 at 22:31 by Ian Roberts
Camilla: Do you have siblings... Leslie and Mavis. ???? Barb
Comment left on 31 March 2007 at 23:19 by Barbara Tocher
Hi Barbara & Ian:
I am the daughter of Nellie Rose McLeman and Carl Christian Skeel de Gerard (Skeel-Gerhardt in Denmark). My Mum's parents were Hugh McLeman and Jean Skinner. She also had a brother named Lesley, who died around 21 years of age.I was surprised to see this photo. My eldest daughter, Dina, sent it to me as she has been looking into our family tree. There is also a photo of an Isabella McLeman and I'm wondering if she was Grandma McLeman's sister?
Barbara, do you have a brother named Bill and a father named Donald McLeman?
Camilla Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 05:02 by Camilla Riera
I am the daughter of Nellie Rose McLeman and Carl Christian Skeel de Gerard (Skeel-Gerhardt in Denmark). My Mum's parents were Hugh McLeman and Jean Skinner. She also had a brother named Lesley, who died around 21 years of age.I was surprised to see this photo. My eldest daughter, Dina, sent it to me as she has been looking into our family tree. There is also a photo of an Isabella McLeman and I'm wondering if she was Grandma McLeman's sister?
Barbara, do you have a brother named Bill and a father named Donald McLeman?
Camilla Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 05:02 by Camilla Riera
Camilla: Sorry.. I didn't see the top part of your reply re: Great Grandma and grand uncle Jack. Would love to have a chat with you if you are interested. Do you live in Vancouver? I am in North Vancouver.
Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 11:24 by Barbara Tocher
Camilla: Yes I have a brother Bill and my Dad was Donald. If you remeber we came to live with your Granfather and Auntie Kate et al when my mother died in 1938. Please e-mail me at [email protected] I have lots of info to fill in re the Family Tree. Cousin Barb
Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 15:27 by Barbara Tocher
Hi Barbara:
I live on Vancouver Island now. Maybe we could email each other?
I believe Mavis and Lesley both moved up to the Okanagan somewhere.
Do you have some way of getting my email address off this site?
Camilla Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 16:06 by Camilla Riera
I live on Vancouver Island now. Maybe we could email each other?
I believe Mavis and Lesley both moved up to the Okanagan somewhere.
Do you have some way of getting my email address off this site?
Camilla Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 16:06 by Camilla Riera
No Camilla I can't seem to get your e-mail address. All it says is cj buit no server. My e-mail is on the site ...... barbara [email protected] ...... Hope to hear from you soon. Barb
Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 21:01 by Barbara Tocher
Camilla, I would also like to communicate with you by email. My email address is [email protected]
I should explain how I am related. I am descended from Catherine Watson's sister Isabella Watson (1838-1935). She's my great-great-great grandmother. She married John "Jock Dhu" MacLeman (1835-1893) (son of Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner). Their daughter is Isabella MacLeman (1866-1954) (my great-great-grandmother) - not the Isabella MacLeman in the photo above. She married Andrew "Pinder" Finlayson (1863-1945) (son of Hugh Finlayson and Ann Ross Watson). Their daughter is Isabella Finlayson (1906-1989) (my great-grandmother), born in Cromarty, died in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. She married Lewis Vernon Colledge (1907-1963) (son of Samuel Robert "Poppy" Colledge and Marian Stocks). Their daughter is Gladys "Anne" Colledge (my grandmother)(b. November 29, 1930 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada). She married James Edward Virgin on June 18, 1949 (son of James Joseph Fields Virgin and Evelyn Minnie Hatton). He was born on November 6, 1927 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Their daughter (my mother) is Linda Anne Virgin b. August 30, 1950 in East York, Ontario, Canada. She married David Wayne Roberts on June 6, 1981 (son of Melvin Mark Roberts and Daisy Lillian Goodyear). He was born on April 11, 1951 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Their son is me, Ian David Roberts, born on November 9, 1987 in East York, Ontario, Canada.
I can email you what I have on the MacLeman and Watson family trees and maybe you could help me fill in some of the blanks on your children and siblings.
And one other thing. Catherine Watson and Isabella Watson married two brothers, William MacLeman and John MacLeman.
Catherine and Isabella are the daughters of John Watson and Elspet Hogg, and William and John are the daughters of Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner. So, we're related through Watson and MacLeman.
I live in Scarborough, Ontario. Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 23:29 by Ian Roberts
I should explain how I am related. I am descended from Catherine Watson's sister Isabella Watson (1838-1935). She's my great-great-great grandmother. She married John "Jock Dhu" MacLeman (1835-1893) (son of Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner). Their daughter is Isabella MacLeman (1866-1954) (my great-great-grandmother) - not the Isabella MacLeman in the photo above. She married Andrew "Pinder" Finlayson (1863-1945) (son of Hugh Finlayson and Ann Ross Watson). Their daughter is Isabella Finlayson (1906-1989) (my great-grandmother), born in Cromarty, died in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. She married Lewis Vernon Colledge (1907-1963) (son of Samuel Robert "Poppy" Colledge and Marian Stocks). Their daughter is Gladys "Anne" Colledge (my grandmother)(b. November 29, 1930 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada). She married James Edward Virgin on June 18, 1949 (son of James Joseph Fields Virgin and Evelyn Minnie Hatton). He was born on November 6, 1927 in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Their daughter (my mother) is Linda Anne Virgin b. August 30, 1950 in East York, Ontario, Canada. She married David Wayne Roberts on June 6, 1981 (son of Melvin Mark Roberts and Daisy Lillian Goodyear). He was born on April 11, 1951 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Their son is me, Ian David Roberts, born on November 9, 1987 in East York, Ontario, Canada.
I can email you what I have on the MacLeman and Watson family trees and maybe you could help me fill in some of the blanks on your children and siblings.
And one other thing. Catherine Watson and Isabella Watson married two brothers, William MacLeman and John MacLeman.
Catherine and Isabella are the daughters of John Watson and Elspet Hogg, and William and John are the daughters of Hugh MacLeman and Ann Skinner. So, we're related through Watson and MacLeman.
I live in Scarborough, Ontario. Comment left on 01 April 2007 at 23:29 by Ian Roberts
Hello Barbara
I have been emailing back and forth with Ian Roberts and I now realize that Isabella Watson McLeman b.1838 is my grandmother Martha Watson Starratt's Aunt! Growing up, we often heard that my sister Jeanne's dark golden blonde curls with honey highlights were just like Aunty Bella's! Do you have a portrait of her in her younger days? Also, I have not confirmed but believe that my Grandmother went to live with her Aunt Catherine on Vancouver Island when she emigrated from Scotland. Can you confirm? Photos? I live in Burnaby near Metrotown and I see that you live in North Vancouver. I would love to hear from you and I will repeat this message on your email address. Regards, Carolyn Comment left on 01 April 2010 at 15:51 by Carolyn Willmore
I have been emailing back and forth with Ian Roberts and I now realize that Isabella Watson McLeman b.1838 is my grandmother Martha Watson Starratt's Aunt! Growing up, we often heard that my sister Jeanne's dark golden blonde curls with honey highlights were just like Aunty Bella's! Do you have a portrait of her in her younger days? Also, I have not confirmed but believe that my Grandmother went to live with her Aunt Catherine on Vancouver Island when she emigrated from Scotland. Can you confirm? Photos? I live in Burnaby near Metrotown and I see that you live in North Vancouver. I would love to hear from you and I will repeat this message on your email address. Regards, Carolyn Comment left on 01 April 2010 at 15:51 by Carolyn Willmore
For those interested, I am very sorry to say that my Mom, Camilla Jean Riera passed away on July 15th, 2010 in Victoria. Survived by her children, Dina McAmmond, Cynthia Riera, Carla Jackett, Jay Riera and Carol Riera Sterckeman and their respective spouses and children. Private family memorial only. We miss you Mum. xoxo
Comment left on 16 November 2010 at 21:37 by Carla Jackett (nee Riera)
So sad to hear about Camilla. Ian introduced me to her when I began researching my family tree a few years ago. I am the great great granddaughter of Catherine MacLeman by her daughter Elspeth. Elpeth married William Faulder Robertson in 1900 in Vancouver BC. Their son John (July 10th, 1903) who went by Jack is my grandfather. His son Jack Lorne ( June 21/1933) is my father. He married my mother Margreta Edith Swanson in Aug 1958. I reside in Delta BC Canada.
Comment left on 15 January 2014 at 03:26 by Lorraine E Bascombe (nee Robertson)
Hi, I am Carol Riera, Camilla's youngest daughter. My husband and I were just in Cromarty and met George (Dord) Macleman and his wife Jean. Do you know if they are the same bloodline as my mom's grand-pa, Hugh NcLeman? Thank you.
Comment left on 22 July 2015 at 22:22 by Carol Riera
Hi Carol, how lovely to see the area of your ancestors. We visited 5 years ago, but did not make our way to Cromarty. My understanding is there is a relationship. Ian Roberts would be able to give you the most info.
Comment left on 01 August 2015 at 22:07 by Anonymous
Thank you!
Comment left on 01 August 2015 at 22:38 by Carol Riera
Ok. Thanks. And please excuse the typo. Of course I meant Hugh McLeman.
Comment left on 02 August 2015 at 03:32 by Carol Riera
My name is Lesley Karen Skeel Gerard (Skeel-Gerhardt)in Denmark. My sisters are Camilla Riera and Mavis Brommeland. The photo is of my Great Grandmother, Great Uncle Jack, Great Aunty Bell and the other man looks very familiar but can't place him.
I have met my half brother Jorgen (deceased) in Denmark, his sister Merete and another half sister Elsa (deceased) Merete now lives in France. Comment left on 19 March 2016 at 18:54 by Lesley Roy
I have met my half brother Jorgen (deceased) in Denmark, his sister Merete and another half sister Elsa (deceased) Merete now lives in France. Comment left on 19 March 2016 at 18:54 by Lesley Roy
Hi Lesley, I am one of Camilla Riera's, (nee Skeel Gerhardt) 5 children. Her Father Carl Christian left Canada when my Mom was a small girl and remarried your Mother I presume.
Do you know where U can see examples of Carl's model ships he used to build? I heard some were in Danish stamps some years ago. Regards, Carla Jackett Comment left on 23 March 2016 at 20:49 by Anonymous
Do you know where U can see examples of Carl's model ships he used to build? I heard some were in Danish stamps some years ago. Regards, Carla Jackett Comment left on 23 March 2016 at 20:49 by Anonymous
Hi CARLA. I am your Aunt Lesley.
Your mother (Camilla)) is my sister.
Your Aunt Mavis) is my younger sister.We all have the same Mother.Nellie Rose McLean and same Father.I remember very well when you were born.I am out of town right now but when I get back to Burnaby I will be in touch.I can give you lots of information about your Grandfather and the Steel family Comment left on 24 March 2016 at 21:24 by Lesley
Your mother (Camilla)) is my sister.
Your Aunt Mavis) is my younger sister.We all have the same Mother.Nellie Rose McLean and same Father.I remember very well when you were born.I am out of town right now but when I get back to Burnaby I will be in touch.I can give you lots of information about your Grandfather and the Steel family Comment left on 24 March 2016 at 21:24 by Lesley
Thanks Lesley,
Carla Comment left on 28 March 2016 at 21:37 by Anonymous
Carla Comment left on 28 March 2016 at 21:37 by Anonymous
Does anyone know if there are any relatives of Hugh McLeman or Jean Skinner alive today in Scotland? They were my Great Grandparents on my mother's side, Camilla Jean Riera (nee Skeel Gerhardt) from Vancouver, Canada. I am going to the UK and hope to visit Scotland if time and see the areas of my ancestors. Many thanks, Carla Jackett (nee Riera). Now living in Australia.
Comment left on 23 February 2017 at 03:54 by Carla Jackett (nee Riera)
You can find more info about this family (Skeel-Gerhardt) Google Kannegaard and Skeel family
Comment left on 12 April 2021 by Peter Kannegaard Hansen
Thanks Peter! I never got to Scotland on that trip unfortunately. I hope you and your family are keeping well through this Covid-19 pandemic.
Warm regards, Carla Jackett (nee Riera)
Granddaughter of Nellie Macleman and Carl Christian skeel de Gerhard but my Grandfather left my Grandmother when my mom Camilla and her 2 siblings were very young and went back to Denmark so I never met him. Comment left on 13 April 2021 by Carla Jackett
Warm regards, Carla Jackett (nee Riera)
Granddaughter of Nellie Macleman and Carl Christian skeel de Gerhard but my Grandfather left my Grandmother when my mom Camilla and her 2 siblings were very young and went back to Denmark so I never met him. Comment left on 13 April 2021 by Carla Jackett
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