An Inconvenience Truth
Portacabin toilet at the Cromarty Links. Every year this is hired and stationed beside the Salmon Bothy on the Links. Various plans have been suggested over the years for a permanent toilet block located somewhere in Fishertown, but with little success. Hopefully one day this unsightly box will be replaced with something less ugly.
Albums: Buildings
Does anyone remember the cast iron toilets a little further east from the wooden shed? Worth a fortune today as a bit of retro at the bottom of the garden!!
Comment left on 14 June 2007 at 18:53 by Dennis Manson
Yes Dennis "the old thunder box" as we called it- there used to be another at the top of the harbour- people just sat in a row having a chat whilst on business!!!!
Comment left on 15 June 2007 at 11:21 by anon
Yes, it isn't the most pleasant thing to see - but at least there is a facility there!
Comment left on 05 July 2007 at 10:17 by Anonymous
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