The Milk Cart - c1995
The famous milk float that John McBean and Grace Skinner used to push around Cromarty. As you probably know, Grace would not allow anybody to photograph them or the float.
With Grace now gone to the great milk round in the sky, does anyone have any photos of her? Even though she was my neighbour for many years, I never would have dared take a photo of her...
Comment left on 10 January 2009 at 12:57 by Sheila Currie
I certainly do remember my Gran as being quite camera shy! I do have fond memories though of going on the milk round during my summer holidays. John and gran seemed to be a bit of a the double act. John's hearing aid always seemed to start playing up whenever there was a heated discussion going on between the two of them .. I remember being less than impressed on the occasions when she would disappear into someone's house for what seemed like ages, leaving me to guard the bucket full of coins !Happy times indeed!
Comment left on 13 January 2009 at 23:07 by Andrew Murphy
We remember Grace as being camera shy, we came up from Liverpool a few times to visit and she would never have a photo taken with us. What a character she was, always had a DR.WALKER DRAM ready for us and always made us welcome. Mary her
daughter was my friend, what a sad world without them both. Comment left on 22 February 2009 at 12:53 by Sue and John Roberts. Feb 2009
daughter was my friend, what a sad world without them both. Comment left on 22 February 2009 at 12:53 by Sue and John Roberts. Feb 2009
Thats right my Gran was very camera shy, although I do have a good handful, and would love to share some of them. I will get them on the site soon, also some of my Gran's many tales, as I'm sure many of you will find them interesting!
Comment left on 11 March 2009 at 11:38 by Selma Brown (Mary Grants daughter)
This picture would have been taken on a Saturday morning at about 10.00. My Mother and John would have been in the Royal having their cup of tea. Sometimes it wasn't tea!
Comment left on 25 March 2009 at 21:49 by Alex Grant
Comment left on 25 March 2009 at 21:49 by Alex Grant
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