Sartorial Splendour at the Cromarty Raft Race 2009
Albums: Events
Groups: The Raft Race
1 Comment
What started as a personal challenge between Bob and Ciaran turned into a very enthusiastic effort this year. Members of the same family [mine!] were in different teams and plans, phone calls and meetings were top secret. Isla managed to recruit a team then miss all the hard graft whilst still giving directions from Glasgow. Jonathan's plans for underwater missile defences on the Spirou/Taylor/Miller/Hill raft were put on ice for another year and Ciaran's visit to the women's clothing department at Matalan provided a costume which drew gasps of admiration{?} from the crowds. I have rarely witnessed such good natured fun in Cromarty. We have something very special here; the different generations get on so well. A bit of Cromarty magic !!!!!!!!
Comment left on 09 August 2009 at 08:03 by Ann Hill
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