Cromarty House
Albums: Buildings
When I was young 12 onwards I spent a lot of time in Cromarty and I never took any notice of that beautiful house,it was only on my recent visit [end of April this year] that I really noticed it. Its a very very nice house who owns it? and is it lived in?
Comment left on 19 July 2011 at 20:55 by Mary Mackay now Tomlinson Harrison
Me neither Mary. Wish I could see inside it now though!
Comment left on 20 July 2011 at 17:40 by Dorothy Ewen (Robertson)
I believe it was sold in the 60s to a family called Nightingale. Maybe they were from London?
I remember seeing a Rolls Royce at the harbour that was said to belong to them. I don't know how involved they were in Cromarty life.
But I remember Uncle Davie telling me he had been 'boots' there. That would have been in the 1930s
Comment left on 21 July 2011 at 03:37 by Margaret Tong
I remember seeing a Rolls Royce at the harbour that was said to belong to them. I don't know how involved they were in Cromarty life.
But I remember Uncle Davie telling me he had been 'boots' there. That would have been in the 1930s
Comment left on 21 July 2011 at 03:37 by Margaret Tong
Yes it was owned by the Nightingales and yes they came from London. I believe if what i have been told is right Mr. Nightingale bought it for his eldest son John... John and friends from uni used to come all the time to stay there and used to come to the lower house and sit with us to watch doctor who :-) once or twice a year the all the family came up!!
Comment left on 27 April 2012 at 03:18 by Gary Straugheir
Yes, usual Highland stuff I'm afraid...absentee landlords stifling development in communities just because they 'own' land and want to keep it 'nice' for them to play in whenever they come to visit the natives.
Comment left on 30 April 2012 at 19:42 by Anon
Before Cromarty House was on this site, Cromarty Castle occupied the site. Cromarty Castle was a strong L-Plan tower house, which partly dated from the 12th or 13th century. It was added onto as late as 1632 but was demolished in 1772. What a waste. There could have been room for both Cromarty Castle and Cromarty House.
Comment left on 04 March 2014 at 03:15 by Ranulf Bennet
Comment left on 04 March 2014 at 03:15 by Ranulf Bennet
I believe if memory serves that the stones for the old castle are the face stones of the house.
Comment left on 25 March 2014 at 18:11 by Anon
I went for a lovely meal there about 1994, it is a beautiful house and I understand Mr Michael Nightingale bought it around 1958, it was down so I'm told for demolition. It's lovely but at that time needed more work. The family were lovely people and I understand also Mr Nightingale did a lot for Cromerty which is a beautiful place
Comment left on 14 October 2017 at 15:53 by Teresa
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