Seabank House - new dormer windows
After a very loooong planning and building process, the addition of new dormers to Seabank House, Shore Street, has now been completed. They've been carefully built to fit the traditional styling of the building, and blend in so well that they look like they've been there for decades. The two top bedrooms, previously very dark little caverns, are now much improved. See picture #1610 for how the house looked before the dormers were added.
The plan was to reharl the building with lime, but aside from our distrust of this material (it seems to get very damp and fall off every couple of years - see The Kennels, Paye House, Barkly House, The Manse, etc), the builder recommended that we leave the stone bare. Even the mason who was going to do the work said that if it was his house he wouldn't do it as the bare sandstone is much nicer.
Albums: Buildings