High St from the end of Bank St
Date Added: 22 May 2011
Contributor: Jean McBeath
Year: 1910
Picture No: 2948
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Unused postcard looking down High St. Ther's an awning outside the shop and a metal frame, presumably for street lighting on the corner. If you view the large version you can see that some of the children have tennis raquets, and there's a bicycle leaning against the gates to Bank House garden. On the right, there's a house sticking out into the pavement which can be seen from the other direction in picture #643 and picture #147. There is a drain in the foreground which is not visible in later pictures, though picture #2308 shows a hydrant nearby.
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Albums: Postcards
Hello Jean. Is this the Jean Mcbeath who used to run the shop with Roddy?? The same Jean I used to buy crisps and nutty from?? If it is, I'm happy you're still around, I hope you've discovered the secret to immortality!!
Comment left on 24 May 2011 at 18:02 by Tony Archer
I love these old photos.
Comment left on 25 May 2011 at 10:12 by Jess Alexander
Hi Tony. It is the same Jean, participating here by proxy! I'll pass on your comment. She and Roddy are both pretty well and still living in the house on the corner. Roddy had his 90th birthday a couple of months ago.
Comment left on 25 May 2011 at 23:30 by Estelle Quick
Wow. This is a beautiful old shot of High Street...with the shop on left being 17 High Street .. My Mum and Dad .. Eva and Johnny Macdonald had the shop in the early 60's ..it's great to see what it looked like way back when this was taken!!
Comment left on 26 May 2011 at 14:03 by John Macdonald
Hi Estelle, participating by proxy. Thank you for passing on my comments, you must also wish Roddy a belated happy birthday for me, I'm very pleased they are both in good health.
Comment left on 26 May 2011 at 16:48 by Tony Archer
Watch this space John... I'm just about to photograph and post a picture of something Jean and Roddy found in their garden years ago.
Comment left on 26 May 2011 at 18:06 by Estelle Quick
Estelle ..can't wait ??If it was money ..it must have been mine , and I dropped it lol... If I remember rightly a Mrs Cross had the house and shop before my Mum and Dad ? ..and in the attic ..we found a beautiful "lum hat" those were the days !!
Comment left on 27 May 2011 at 00:05 by John Macdonald
My late Mam, Peggy Cowie (MacLeman) was good friends with Mrs Cross. She was a very old lady but I remember visiting her and loving her small walled garden with a lot of ivy and paving. When we first saw our house here there was a lot of ivy in the garden and I remembered Mrs Cross.
Comment left on 28 May 2011 at 02:39 by Margaret Tong
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