Robert Clyne, Lighthousekeeper - c1920
A large number of photos of this time on the site were taken by Robert Clyne, who was the lighthouse keeper in Cromarty from 1916 to 1922. To see a list click on the 'Courtesy of Robert Clyne' link above the picture.
A chart showing the lighthouses he served in can be viewed here.
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My grandather, George Galloway was, I believe, the cook on the Hesperus. He then took over the Osborn house Hotel on George Street in Oban until his death in Glasgow on 27 Oct 1945.
Comment left on 02 January 2005 at 21:58 by Andrew Neall
This is my first time looking up lighthouses keepers. I just got started in collections of lighthouses and pictures of sea captains. I find it interesting that people really did take care of the lighthouses and did all care of installing new lights. I would like to learn more about keepers of the lighthouses if someone can give me more information I would appreciate it, thanks for helping a new begginer out.
Comment left on 06 October 2005 at 16:24 by MARYANN
My grandfather was Captain Budge of the Hesperus for 20 years for the Northern Lighthouse Commission retiring approx 1931.
I don't have a great deal of information about him apart from the book written by Capt Job Barbour of the Neptune, titled, "Forty-Eight Days Adrift".
My grandfather towed the stricken vessel back to shore.
Any information found regarding Captain Budge would be greatly appreciated as I have been having trouble finding any relevant information via the net. Comment left on 02 March 2008 at 08:46 by Don Budge Jnr
I don't have a great deal of information about him apart from the book written by Capt Job Barbour of the Neptune, titled, "Forty-Eight Days Adrift".
My grandfather towed the stricken vessel back to shore.
Any information found regarding Captain Budge would be greatly appreciated as I have been having trouble finding any relevant information via the net. Comment left on 02 March 2008 at 08:46 by Don Budge Jnr
Captain Budge was also my grandfather and his wife my grandmother
Comment left on 13 June 2019 at 09:17 by Lori Budge
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My grandfather Andrew Whyte was also in the Lighthouse service and took up photography from his father in law. My father was also in the lighthouse service but served as an engineer on the Lighthouse vessel Hesperus. My brother is presently serving as mate on the Lighthouse vessel baes in Oban. Comment left on 10 May 2003 by Ken Ross