John MacDonald at the Highland Accordion Championships 1963
A shot of myself and Grampian TV Accordionist and Band Leader Jack Sinclair at the Highland Accordion Championships at the Empire Theatre in Inverness, where I gained second place ..around 1963...this was taken prior to me leaving Cromarty for New Zealand.
1 Comment
21 April 1943 was a Wednesday. I should know, I was there - age 14 - playing in my mother’s band in a ballroom in the City Centre. Fortunately, we were not injured, but had difficulty getting home. No buses or trams. We had to walk 2 miles through the debris carrying our instruments etc. Jack Sinclair M.V.O. (Member of The Royal Victorian Order) [email protected]
Comment left on 17 April 2013 at 12:31 by Jazz Eddie
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