Oil painting done by a teacher at Cromarty School in the 1940s
This is an oil painting done by a teacher at Cromarty School in the 1940's. Does anybody know the teacher's name? There is a signature but we can't read it properly. In this painting are Anne Mackay, Alistair Maclean, Bill Campbell, Walter Shepherd, Nancy? and not sure of the others. This painting was given to my mother (Helen Hogg (Couper) and we can't remember who gave it to her.
The second person (in red) could be Evelyn Munro, and the one in the middle leaning forward (white blouse, next to Wonk,) could be Margaret McDonald (Alla's sister). That blackboard duster looks awful familiar, like the one Sandy Reid used to hurl.
Comment left on 08 May 2012 at 16:11 by Ian Jack
Ali Maclean, Ann Mackay, Marie Macphee, Walter Shepherd, Jean Fraser. At front is Nancy George and Isobel Macleod, behind is Jimmy Macivor. Not sure of the other person. Artist miss Meston or Hannan ?
Comment left on 17 May 2012 at 16:14 by IRIS WINTON
I have since discovered that the teacher was called Meta Meston. The painting is very good and of local interest.
Comment left on 17 May 2012 at 19:57 by Rhona Garratt
The other person is Bill Campbell, confirmed, and the artist Miss Meston. I think Helen got painting from Jessie Munro.
Comment left on 19 May 2012 at 09:55 by IRIS WINTON
Iris you are right. I have found out that the picture did come from Jessie Munro and that the teacher was called Meta Meston. We are running out of people who remember all these things. If anybody wants to see the painting, I am more than happy to show them it.
Comment left on 20 May 2012 at 08:21 by Rhona Garratt
See also picture 3147 by the same artist.
Comment left on 30 January 2014 at 12:59 by Ruth MacGregor
That should have been picture 3103. Senior moment!
Comment left on 31 January 2014 at 18:00 by Ruth MacGregor
I have a Helen Hogg painting from my mother and would like to share it with you
Who do I send it to if I take a picture of it? Comment left on 30 January 2015 at 02:48 by Phil Moore
Who do I send it to if I take a picture of it? Comment left on 30 January 2015 at 02:48 by Phil Moore
Phil - my mother, Helen Hogg (nee Couper) was not a painter so not sure if you have the right person.
Comment left on 31 January 2015 at 12:34 by Rhona Garratt
Meta Meston was my art teacher at Kaimhill secondary school in Aberdeen in the early 70's. She lived in Stonehaven and was a well known respected local artist. There is a memorial stained glass window to her in Dunotter Kirk Stonehaven.I remember her well.
Comment left on 09 February 2019 at 14:03 by Ashley Anderson
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Comment left on 04 May 2012 at 14:49 by Davey jones