MacFarquhar's Bed
From a book of photographs published by John Bain, Draper and Clothier, Cromarty. 1900
Photographed by Valentines Dudee.
You can just make out a mast(?) on the top of the rock - the Large Version is from a copy supplied by Anne Short - it shows this mast much more clearly.
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Albums: Landscapes and Views, The Sea
1 Comment
picture #330 shows a view from the cliffs north of McFarquhar's bed. It doesn't show a mast on top, but does show poles set up for drying nets on the beach beside it, in the same cross configuration.
I wonder if
a) they actually used to stretch nets from the top of the rock down (unlikely)
b) someone decided to make use of an old pole and add it to the top of the rock for fun. I can't think of another good reason for it.
Comment left on 09 April 2007 at 15:38 by Garve

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