Alison Ligertwood on the steps of Miller House.
Patsy and the milk cart passing, with Hugh Miller's cottage and Paye house in the background. See also picture #3466.
Albums: People
Imagine singing "Hey Big Spender" to a horse in them days - you would have been carted away - a yes those were the days of Nellie Love and Jimmy Dockie who lived top of the Little Vennel and Red Munro and Stichie and Jockie the Burn - there's too many to list tonight, maybe soon. Their spikan very light cheilaka
Comment left on 26 February 2014 at 20:42 by Daley Jones
Aye I mind them all - when Jean the burns cat caught a bird she used to say "that's a tasty bite for puss" we'd be mortified at cat ripping poor wee birdie .and nellies dog was Flossie , she'd get a Milky Way from Tunnies shop for her.
Comment left on 08 October 2014 at 21:41 by Anon
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