Old Mission Hall - 2003
This hall, used in more recent years as the Brownie hut, was demolished in May 2003, to be replaced by a dwelling house.
See also picture #372, picture #374 and picture #375.
Albums: Buildings
Seeing the white swan as it was called brings back memories of the scriptures union with teacher Betty patience she was a very sincere person she certainly put Bertie and Alec on the right road for life
Comment left on 22 June 2012 at 23:01 by Davey jones
Yes Davey, and not only Bertie and I. Thanks to Miss Patience, all of us, and many before, took the right path in life, and while we may not have followed the book of rules (new testament) that she gave us to the letter I don't think any of us did too bad.
Comment left on 24 June 2012 at 22:03 by Alex Grant
Yes Alex, many of us at that time were blessed with a sound education from the teachers at Cromarty J.S. Another recollection I have [that few today alive would have] is of attending, along with my mother and Maggie Ann, Davie Taylor's Tuesday Mission Meeting,when blind Janet would sing, so hauntingly, "Shall we gather at the River?" Didn't appreciate being dragged along there at the time, but when I look back, it was all part of that sound foundation one got from Betty Patience, Jessie Munro and Lilly Bain, although like most, my book of rules got a bit lost along the way.
Comment left on 27 June 2012 at 11:27 by Bertie Macdonald
Nice to hear from you Bertie, and of course you are absolutely correct in everything you say. Lovely memories of Janet who would come and sit with my Grandfather when he become ill and "took to his bed" and we all know what that meant. We are all getting old now Bertie, but the memories remain, and the one sure and certain thing is that we will never see the like again.
Comment left on 04 July 2012 at 23:58 by Alex Grant
Bertie and Alex. Ah - the Mission Hall and those names bring back so many memories. I remember going to Lilly Bain's bible class (some of us were conscripted into the Church Choir) and a trip was once arranged for us to watch the film "The Robe" in Inverness. Lilly Bain used to tell us that the Cromarty Firth looked like the Sea of Galilee when the sun shined. Why did the world seem a much happier, simpler place then, I wonder....?
Comment left on 18 July 2012 at 11:56 by Campbell Ross
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