Relaxing at the Salmon Bothy - Jimmy 'Toot' Hogg, and Isaac MacPhee
This picture is used with the kind permission of Scottish Field, which used it in their article 'Cromarty, the Forgotten Town' by G. Allan Little, in their March 1970 issue. Do you recognise these men? I believe that they are sitting on the bench which used to be located against the shed at the south face of the shed at the salmon bothy at the corner of the links.
Groups: 1970 Scottish Field Article
it is so nice to look back at the older people who lived in cromaty.their family will be ages with us oldies of cromarty now.
Comment left on 20 February 2010 at 16:07 by Gladys Shepherd Nee Parsley
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It was taken at the seattie at the salmon bothy. Comment left on 29 July 2003 by Sue Florence