'Plane crash at Allerton Farm - 1944
At 2am on July 28th, 1944, this Sunderland crashed after hitting some high tension wires whilst on a practice circuit in very poor visibility. Having lost part of its port wing, it hit the ground and skidded for about a quarter of a mile before hitting Allerton farmhouse. All the crew escaped without serious injury, but the fuel from the 'plane caught fire immediately - two of the occupants of the house were severely burnt, and a young lad, Hugh Watson, 15, died.
The picture shows the farm steading, much as it is now, although the lean-to at the bottom left-hand part has now gone. The small cottage beside the steading has been extended since this was taken, but the farmhouse has never been rebuilt. Note the circular haystack near the end of the wing.
Albums: Aerial Views
Groups: Fearn Airfield
Would be very interested in any more pictures that might be available - also have direct interest in the Oxford from Dalcross that crashed in same vicinity - have crash report. Hope you get this. Comment left on 28 May 2005 at 10:38 by John Fleming
As far as I can recall, the first person to attend the Oxford crash you mention, which would be sometime in the early 1950's, was a Mr Jonathan Middleton, farmer, Davidston Farm, Cromarty, in whose rough grazing land to the SE of his house, that aircraft crashed. I'm sure if you wrote him direct, he'd be able to come up with some more detail. Comment left on 29 May 2005 at 21:18 by Clem Watson
Thanks for comments. I spoke to J. Middleton and Mrs. B. Gordon about a year ago. At the time of the Oxford accident (19 June 1953) I was working in Air Traffic control at Fearn and Dalcross. The pilot George Nicholson, age 22 was flying solo on an authorised Practice Forced Landing exercise. He was buried at the village of Horsley Woodhouse in Derbyshire.
Incidentally this is not to be confused with the other Oxford from Dalcross, crashed 2/12/52 - Instructor and pupil killed - crashed into trees near Blackstand. Would like to know exactly where. I understand the following were first on the scene - Donald Williamson Killen, Forestry worker, Neil McKinnon Blackstand, William Pringle Poyntzfield. Are any of them still alive? Comment left on 01 June 2005 at 19:33 by John Fleming
P.S. I know Keith Comment left on 06 June 2005 at 19:25 by John Fleming, Inver
I am currently trying to trace the precise site of RAF Black Isle. From information that I have so far tracked down it was just off the B9160 at NH715605. This source also states that the land is a Forestry Commission nursey and a number of the old RAF building survive.
Can anyone provide any further information. At present I have only viewed the site through the Local Live satellite mapping service and cannot identify any airfield looking site or what I would expect of a nursery site.
Do any of the RAF buildings survive and if so what are their condition and where are they located. Comment left on 31 August 2006 at 14:05 by Jeremy Flack
map ref :- 717 601 blackstand, west of spot height 169. Some sheds still exist. There is also
a book written (spiral bound) by a Jim Hughes, a local (Elgin) aviation historian. I can photo what still exists next time I go to Cromarty. Any help? Comment left on 31 August 2006 at 22:20 by Clem Watson
Not a trace of the runways today--They were grass, encouraged to grow strong roots by a lot of phosphate in the form of basic slag, and covered by very strong welded steel mesh spiked on to the soil. Some of the mesh was cut into strips and is still on fences in the Black Isle. The hanger is now a cattlle shed. Some of the RAF personel decorated the inside of the buildings with murals that have been described as erotic and exotic. It became a very important base for the Forestry Commission after war time when all the Black Isle nurseries provided plants to Scotland and the North of England. Comment left on 01 September 2006 at 00:04 by Alasdair Cameron
We were caught up in the final stages in heavy snow and icing, and were guided back to Dalcross on Standard Beam Approach. I got back OK with very little cockpit visibilty (In fact I landed with the side window open as the front screen was covered in ice).
Pete Drury was not as lucky and was found in January or February when the snow had melted. He had, I understand, stooged around blind until he ran out of fuel. He was still strapped in when found and no fire had apparently occured (which leads me to believe he was out of fuel).
My old Log Book suggests that this would have been on December 4th 1951 and I was flying Oxford 694 at the time.
We also lost a pilot and aircraft from Dalcross in early 1952 when one flipped over during a low flying exercise ( I cannot recall the pilot's name but I have a photo of him taken at our "Wings" celebration party)
Also in the photo is Ted Clowes, who went on to become a very successful pilot, and who was killed in 1984 while flying a Hunter for FRADU. He crashed in the Solent in October 1984 and the cause was never established.
Regards Terry Clary Comment left on 19 January 2008 at 21:31 by Terry Clary
I am working on a project to identify all locations that have had a military connection across the UK during the 20th Century.
Do you have any more precise information for any of these incidents as I am also including crash sites? Date, Serial number, unit, location and casualty name(s) would be useful.
I have a temporary website at www.freewebs.com/20thcenturymilitarystructures which gives some information about the project.
Comment left on 23 January 2008 at 01:47 by Jeremy Flack
I cannot offer much more information on the accidents other than that given in my comments to which you have replied.
I have however been in touch with John Fleming (who also comments on the Cromarty Archives site) and sent him by email attachment a photo of No 8 AFTS “Wings” party, with the names of those I remember (57 years ago) and an excerpt from my log book showing the date Pete Drury and I took off from Dalcross on solo night navigation trips (from which Pete never returned).This was on December 4th 1951 and I was flying Oxford 694.
I also attached a scan of my Flying Badge notification.
I will happily send you this information if you could let me have your email address.
John Fleming has advised me that Pete Drury in buried at Rotherham in Yorkshire and I will try to locate and visit his grave to pay my much delayed respects to an old RAF colleague.
If you google in Ted Clowes the FRADU site containing the report of his death in 1984 and his photo will come up.
My email is [email protected]
Comment left on 23 January 2008 at 12:24 by Terry Clary
Sorry for the confusion but it was a long time ago. Comment left on 23 January 2008 at 23:06 by Terry Clary
and I found Hughs Grave in Rosemarkie Cemetery he is buried with his grandparents I think Comment left on 10 September 2020 by Alice A Kidd