Looking down the Little Vennel - 1997
For the same view a century earlier, see picture #541.
Albums: Streets
As a 4 year old I stayed in the Retreat at the top of the Little Vennel for the summer holidays. The vennel was my route down to the beach each day, but to get there I had to run past Nelly Love's house, as she would chase me with her broom if she thought I was going anywhere near her standpipe.
Comment left on 30 January 2003 by Garve Scott-Lodge
At the front of the picture you can just see what we called Bertie's shed. As children this was our Den on winters nights [no tv then]. The noise would annoy Nellie next door and on more than one occasion she threatened us with Angie the Bobby She then wondered who turned her tap on and left it running. A major event occured in 1953 when Nellie had the standpipe boxed in and painted it red white and blue. It was described in the local paper as 'A touch of colour for the Coronation'. Ah well
Comment left on 24 March 2009 at 21:33 by Alex Grant
Would you be the Alec Grant known as "Cosses" along with Berti "Doogie" Macdonald that wellknown retired ex Drumossie hotel manager and ex police inspector Donald "Jird" Wason - now Alec ponder that one?
Comment left on 25 March 2009 at 19:45 by Davie Jones
Hello Davie, yes I am pondering. Not many "CROMS" would know those details from 50 years ago. Only one person has has ever greeted me this way in all this time [and it wasn't Davie Jones] so you'll have to give me a few more clues.
Comment left on 31 March 2009 at 23:06 by Alex Grant
Comment left on 31 March 2009 at 23:06 by Alex Grant
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