School Photograph - 1948
1st, 2nd and 3rd year, 1948/49.
Albums: School
Hello Clem! Even me, your friend from Brazil, would recognize you in this photo. Your smile (good humor) is unique. Great photo! Congratulations for helping to document Scotland's history! Greetings of South America!
Comment left on 20 April 2005 at 04:37 by Douglas Fernandes
Great photo. Where is Chrissie Fraser now?
Comment left on 28 April 2005 at 21:54 by Evelyn Nicholson (nee Munro).
Hi Evelyn, Chrissie Fraser is now retired and living in Inverness.
Comment left on 13 May 2005 at 21:55 by Iris Winton
Iris, Evelyn has asked me to pass on her thanks for that information, her computer has gone belly up and it might be some time before she gets back on line.
ian Comment left on 16 May 2005 at 19:03 by Ian Jack
ian Comment left on 16 May 2005 at 19:03 by Ian Jack
Form Goes Here
Ian Hepburn, Alister Maclean, James Macivor, Bob Watson, James Dixon, ??, Bill Campbell, Peter Low.
(L) Head Master:John S. Rae(Maths, Science)
mid row L/R
Ian Ross, Maurice Shepherd, Catherine Macfarlane,
Mary Gilmour, Jean Fraser, Mgt. Macdonald, Marigold
Campbell, Jessie Macivor, Marie Macphee, Eunice
Grant, Freddie Geddes, Jim Plunkett.
Donald Macleod, English Master.
Front row: Corrie Bathie(kneeling), Chrissie Fraser,
Evelyn Munro, Anne Paton, Nanette Macleod, Joey
Urquhart, Jean Sutherland, Mgt. Macdonald, Isobel
Macleod, Pamela Cave, Anne Mackay, Iris Mackay,
Ivy Skinner, Violet Robertson, and Clem Watson.
Second from the right back row I just cannot
remember? Comment left on 20 October 2003 by Clem Watson