Clumsy on the beach below fishertown c1983
Clumsy, the hotel's dog, partaking of his usual morning tour of the town and stopping to play awhile with a visiting tourist. Originally 'owned' by Stewart Morrison, Clumsy was in fact a town dog who spent his days greeting locals and visitors throughout the town. When Stewart Morrison sold the hotel, it was a condition of the sale that Clumsy should still have it as his home. Clumsy died in 2000 and a memorial service was held in the hotel grounds. picture #1391 shows his memorial stone in the Royal Hotel garden.
Albums: People
Any person who owned a female dog during Clumsy's lifespan will have known what it was like to have him as a hopeful 'son-in-law'. During our first Winter here[1996]we awoke one morning and opened the sitting room shutter at Burnside to find a perfectly sculpted snowdog looking in; Clumsy had camped out all night in a snowstorm. What an intrepid dog. He had more luck with another conquest; the result I believe; Bruno.
Comment left on 06 December 2003 by Ann Hill
I put the wrong date of course, Clumsy's courtship of Guinness was in 1986, that was our first Winter here and helps to show what a long and exciting life Clumsy had.
Comment left on 06 December 2003 by Ann Hill
The tourist looks like my brother Ross Couper who was very fond of Clumsy as we all were.
Comment left on 17 March 2004 by Anon
Clumsy was just part of the local landscape. And it does look like me, | think I recognize the shirt.
Comment left on 29 July 2004 at 09:43 by Ross Couper
Comment left on 21 June 2005 at 23:56 by Bruno
It would appear that this is not me in the picture. I didn't have hair that long in the 80's and the man in the picture is stockier than me.
Comment left on 08 July 2012 at 01:25 by Ross Couper
Comment left on 08 July 2012 at 01:25 by Ross Couper
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