Ladies of Cromarty - c1939
The year is a guess. The text on this cutting says "These ladies did praiseworthy work at Cromarty regatta selling flags for the lifeboat fund."
Any idea who they are and when the pic was taken?
Albums: Newspaper Cuttings, People
Centre right is my late aunt, Betty Fraser, who lived at 10 High Street. She had an academic career and was the first woman professor in the history of Aberdeen University, where she was Head of the Psychology Department for many years.
Comment left on 11 June 2005 at 22:10 by Alan Fraser
well well.....betty fraser ...lectured me and i never knew she was from cromarty...i recall her lectures on drugs so clearly.
Comment left on 13 April 2013 at 06:36 by Brian Forsyth
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Back row - centre = Hannah Gillies, centre right = Betty Frazier, right = Mona Mackenzie
Front row - left Margaret Isaccson, right Martha Reid. Comment left on 21 March 2004 by Andrew Bathie